I sat there, in the thin layer of snow leftover from December, crying. It seemed like the tears never stopped. No matter how many times I wiped them away, they came back. I bet I looked like an absolute fucking mess. My eyes stung because of how much I wiped the, and my nose dripped. I also wiped that too. My sleeves are gonna be soaked after this. That implying that I actually make it past this point. I heard footsteps quickly come near, and I didn't have enough time to calm myself and stop crying. The person heard me, and stepped into the alley. I wanted to move. I wanted to get up, but I was far too weak. I couldn't move. Thankfully, it was just Kyle. That actually might make it worse. He spotted me, and quickly came up to me, acknowledging my fucked up wrist. He whispered something along the lines of "jesus christ" before removing his jacket and tightly wrapping it around my arm.
"I'm sorry Kyle! I'm so fucking sorry! I promised, I know!"
"Shhhh, it's okay Cartman. I forgive you. Let's not worry about that, we need to get you home. I know you have a first aid kit there, so we'd better hurry."
He helped me to stand and ordered that I put my wrist above my head, to slow the blood flow or something. When we got home, I was a puffy eyed, snot dripping, hiccuping mess. Not to mention I was bleeding all over Kyle's jacket. He sat me down in the bathroom and tended to my wounds. Just like last time. As he worked tentatively, I looked away from him.
"I've just been a mess this month, huh?"
Kyle looks taken off guard by this question, but continues cleaning the cuts, so they don't get infected like last time.
"Yeah, but that's okay. I think this'll be good for you in the long run."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you always bottle stuff up. Theses a lot of times where you'd be upset,and no one ever found out why. Nobody cared enough, and you knew that better than anybody. You never told us anything, but now. Now, you're comfortable enough with me to cry in front of me. You've really opened up, you trust me now."
"I'm not a little kid anymore huh?"
"Yeah. I'm glad I know more about you."
I also remarked at this, but I don't want to ruin the moment. There's actually a lot Kyle doesn't know about me. He just doesn't know that he doesn't. I think it's better that why. I'd prefer that he knows less about me. It might be safer that way. As I'm looking off into space, I heard something. A little voice.
"Did you say something?" I ask.
"No. Why?"
I don't answer him, instead I try to find out what the thing is saying. It sounds very high pitched, but and shaky. Like an old lady. Or a man pretending to be an old lady. It feels like I know what she's saying, but I can't decipher the string of words. It's like some foreign language. I almost hate it, hate that I can't understand it, but at the same time, I'm extremely curious.
"Cartman, what's going on?"
"I dunno. I hear a voice, but I don't know what it's saying."
"Are you scared?"
"Um, no. I'm just confused."
"I don't hear it."
"Really? How, it's like right on my ear?"
"I don't hear it. Is there any way I can help though?"
"I don't think so."
"Is it bugging you?"
"A little bit."
"How about we go listen to music then. That might calm you down."
I turn to Kyle. He doesn't know this, but I've been seeing and hearing these kinds of things since I was young. A lot of the time, it made me feel powerful, like I was smarter and wiser than everyone because I knew stuff they didn't. I could see and hear things they couldn't. Most of the time, that made me feel brave, but other times, I got scared. I would get shaky and scared. Sometimes, I took it really far. Sometimes, Kyle and the gang saw me in that state, like with the whole Polly prissy pants scandal at Tokens house and Mitch Conner. Sometimes, when my mom wasn't afraid of me, she would step in and let me listen to music while she rocked me. She slowly stopped doing that over the years, mainly because I haven't really heard or seen much since middle school. That's why I've been doing things the way I have. I assumed it was my brain messing with me. Finding that porn, falling in love with Kyle, taking in that kid, it was all my brain, but no. It all really happened. Come to think of it, I haven't been getting any medication since elementary. Mom told me that I was cured, and I thought she was right. Nothing really happened until I found that cursed gay porn video. I was urged to click it, and if I didn't, something bad was gonna happen. Then I couldn't get the image of Kyle out of my head. I really wish I wasn't like this.

You can learn to love• Kyman love story•(completed)
FanfictionCartman? A big brother? Not in a million years! Until a baby girl shows up on his doorstep one night and Surprise! She's Jewish! Cartman vows to never love that little shit, but Kyle is determined to prove him otherwise. Kyman fanfic Cover art is M...