Masquerade Party

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Caroline's POV
     I woke up to the smell of bacon. I got out of bed and put on my strapless red dress with my red heels. I then headed to the kitchen, where I seen Stefan cooking, and Kat was drinking coffee. I said, " Morning."

     They seen me and Kat said, " There is the sleepy head. Coffee?"

  I nodded and she got me a cup. Then the so one knocked on the door. I went over and opened it. It was Gloria. I said, " Good Morning Gloria."

    She smiled and said, " Morning to you too. Anyway, this came for you."

   She handed me and envelope. I said, " Thanks."

  She nodded and went down the hall. I closed the door. I walked back to the kitchen and Stefan asked, " Who was that?"

   I said, " It was Gloria. She owns the building. She gave me this."

   I showed them the envelope and Kat said, " What's in it?"

  I said, " I don't know. Let's find out."

   I opened it and it was an invitation. It read:

    Miss Forbes,
        Your presence is requested at tonight's Masquerade party. It is held at the Abattoir, tonight at 7.

    Kat said, " Who's Marcel?"

    I said, " Some guy who flirted with me one night, but I turned him down."

   Kat said, " Is he hot?"

   Stefan said, " Kathrine, shut up. Care, are you going to go?"

   I said, " I guess. It will get us out of the apartment. But I have no idea what to wear. Kat, we are going shopping."

    Kat said, " Shopping!! Yay!! Stefan you are coming too!"

   Stefan groaned and I laughed. He then served us the bacon and eggs, he made. I then drank a blood bag. We then headed out the door, and to my car. We got in and I drove us the hour to the new mall that opened. We arrived and we went into multiple shops, and bought stuff, but couldn't find anything for tonight.

    We stopped and got lunch. We then went into another couple stores. We finally found a store called, 'Century party's'. We went in and looked around. Kat and I both found a dress and a mask for tonight's party. Stefan found a mask and a suit. We then headed to my apartment since it was 6. We arrived home and then we changed into our party outfits.

     Stefan had a suit with a red tie and a red and black mask. Kathrine has a strapless black and red dress that goes mid thigh, with red and black heels. She also has a red and black mask with a rose on the side. I have a strapless red floor length gown with ruffles. I have black heels, and then a red and black mask with a feather on the side. (Pics above).

    We then headed to the party. It was being held at the abattoir place. We walked because it was right across the street from 'Rousseau's'. We got there with in five minutes and it was 7:15 when we arrived. We walked in and there was a bunch of people dancing and drinking. There was an open bar. I said, " I'm going to get a drink."

   Kat said, " I'm coming with."

   I nodded and we made our way to the bar. I got a tequila sunrise, and Kat got a Margarita. We drank and then someone said, " May I have this dance?"

  I looked over and seen Marcel. I said, " Sure."

    He grabbed my hand and we started dancing. I didn't miss the smirk on Kat's face. I said, " So, you are a stalker now? You know who I am and where I live. How?"

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