The truth comes out

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Caroline's POV
It has been a week since the masquerade party. I haven't seen Klaus since. Kat, Stefan and I have been hanging out all week. We went shopping, Drinking, Dancing, and movie Marathoning. I woke up and seen Kat was still sleeping. I went and got a shower. I then put on my strapless purple dress with my purple heels. I then seen Kat getting out of bed. I went to the kitchen and got a blood bag. Stefan then came in and got a blood bag too. He has been slowly drinking human blood, to try and build a tolerance. So, far he has been doing great, he is now up to a whole blood bag a day.

Kat came out and I gave her a blood bag. We drank our blood and then went out for a walk. We started by apartment and walked towards the water. We sat on a bench and just talked. Then, we got up and went to 'Rousseau's'. We sat down and started drinking our bourbon.

Kat said, " In coming!"

I turned towards the door, and Klaus walked in with 2 guys and a girl. The guys and the girl went and sat at a booth. Klaus locked eyes with me and started walking my way. Kat said, " He's coming over."

I glared at her and she just smirks. Stefan was busy gawking at the girl, Klaus came in with. Klaus came and stood beside me. He said to the bartender, " Bourbon."

He then seen me looking down at my drink. He said, " Hello, love."

I looked up at him and said, " Hey. I haven't seen you in a while."

He said, " I was just busy, with my siblings."

I nodded. It was then awkward silence. He said, " Look, Caroline I can explain why I got so upset the other night."

I said, " Then explain."

He said, " I can't, not here. You and your friends can come with my siblings and I and we can explain."

I said, " Okay. Kat, Stefan, come on."

The got up and then we started following Klaus out of the bar and his siblings followed us. We got in his car and he drove us to a house it was like 20 minutes from the quarter. We got out and followed them inside. We sat on the couches in silence.

I then said, " Okay. Are you going to explain?"

Klaus sighed and said, " Yes. But first these are my siblings, Kol, Elijah and Rebekah."

They all nodded and I said, " Okay, well this is Stefan and Kathrine. Now explain."

He took a deep breath and said, " My siblings and I are the Original Vampires, the vampires that sired every vampire in the world. I am a bit different from my siblings. I am the Original Hybrid, Half Wolf, Half Vampire. We are a thousand years old, there was 7 of us, but one died in the old world and the other died in the new world. Then our mother turned us into Vampires. Finn had died 800 years ago, when my father came and tried to kill us all. He almost succeeded on a Rebekah but I stopped him, but he killed Finn. I then killed him. We built this city from the ground up, but we left a hundred years ago. Marcel who calls him the king was my protégé. I turned him into the man he is now. But now I want my rightful place back and my siblings and I are going to take it from him. But we also need your help."

I said, " Me? How could I possibly help? You are a thousand years old, why not kill him?"

Rebekah said, " Cause Nik has an infatuation with revenge. He wants to Marcel to pay for what he did to us."

Kat said, " What did he do to you?"

Rebekah said, " He raised our father from the dead, a hundred years ago. We fled New Orleans and thought Mikael killed Marcel. But he didn't. Nik wants to take everything Marcel has and crush it and make him pay."

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