Take Over

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Caroline's POV
I woke up and remembered today is the day The Mikaelsons take New Orleans back. Today is also the day, where I have to go on a date with Marcel. Uggh! I mean don't get me wrong he is hot, also has a nice personality, but he is arrogant. Anyway, I get up and put on a nice summer blue dress. The date isn't till 6, I will get ready around 5:30.

     I walked to the kitchen and got a blood bag. I then heard Stefan's bedroom door shut, and Rebekah trying to be quiet walking through the apartment. I coughed and she seen I was up. I walked over to her and said, " You don't have to sneak out, Bekah. I know you come in late at night and see Stefan. I'm blonde not stupid."

   She laughed and said, " Sorry. It's just he won't move in with us, even when I asked him. But he won't."

   I said, " I will talk to him. Don't worry."

  She nodded and left the apartment. I then went back to the kitchen and finished my blood bag and made coffee. Fifteen minutes later, Stefan came out and got a blood bag and some coffee. He sat down next to me. I said, " So, Bekah has been sneaking in here overnight. Why don't you move in with her?"

   He said, " Well, I wanted to spend some time with my best friend."

   I said, " Nice try. But you can see me whenever you want. Just move in with her, you don't have to keep an eye on me. I will be fine."

   He said, " I was never keeping and eye on you."

  I said, " Nice one, but Stef you can't lie. You have been hovering over me ever since Klaus bit me and healed me. You are afraid I will do something stupid. So, just move in with Bekah already? That way, I don't have to pretend she never sneaks in here, and I don't have to hear the noise that comes from your room."

   He laughed and said, " Fine. I will talk to her later."

  I said, " Good. Now, Kat should be here soon."

  He said, " Why is Kat coming over?"

  I said, " She wants to talk, and she is helping me get ready for tonight."

   He nodded and we drank our coffee. 2 hours later, Kat showed up. Right now, we are in the living room talking. I said, " So, you and Elijah, hows that going?"

  She blushed and said, " He's the love of my life. He alway has been. It is going great, but lately he has been worried about Klaus."

   I said, " Why, would he be worried about Klaus?"

  She said, " Ever since, you stopped talking to Klaus a month ago. Klaus has been going out every night and killing people. But 2 weeks ago, Elijah finally convince Klaus to stop killing innocents. Elijah is worried Klaus will go out and have another rampage because Klaus loves you, and he can't get over you."

   I was shocked. Klaus loves me. How could he love me? I am just a neurotic baby vampire. Kat said, " Okay, well let's watch a movie till your date."

  I nodded and she turned on, ' Vamps'.

Three hours later, we turned off the tv, and went to my room. I went and got a shower. I came out and seen Kat sitting in my bed, she threw the dress at me. I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom. I put on the dress Kat, Rebekah and Davina picked out for me yesterday. It was a navy blue off the shoulder, high low dress with lace and a ribbon around the middle. I put on the black heels to match. I then did some eyeliner and mascara and had my hair curled. I then walked out and Kat whistled.

    I looked at myself in the full body mirror that's in my room. I said, " You don't think it's too much."

   She said, " No, care bear. You are beautiful and if Marcel knows better, he should keep his hands off of you."

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