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Caroline's POV
  It has been a month, since Klaus bit me. I haven't talked to him or seen him since then. I talk with Elijah, Kol and Rebekah. We are all friends, Kat had moved in with the Mikaelsons. Stefan has been staying with me, mostly to keep an eye on me. He thinks I am going to do something stupid.

    Anyway, I woke up and put on a navy blue dress with lace, with my blue heels. I went to the kitchen and seen Stefan drinking a blood bag. I went to the fridge and got a blood bag and drank it. I then heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and it was from Elijah.

   E- Hi, Miss Forbes.

C- Hey, Elijah. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Caroline.

E- Will do. Anyway, could you come over with Stefan. We have important matters to discuss.

  C- Be right there.

  I then put my phone away. I said, " Stefan, come on. Elijah wants to meet with us at their house."

   He nodded and we both headed downstairs. We flashed to the Mikaelsons house. I knocked on the door and Elijah answered. He said, " Come on in. We are just waiting on Niklaus."

   I smiled and he let us in. We went to the living room and sat down. Everyone was there, but there was a new girl. She had brown hair, brown eyes, Kol keeps making eyes at her. Kol said, " Caroline, you didn't meet Davina. Davina, Caroline."

  I nodded and the girl smiled. Then Klaus walked in the living room. He didn't even look at me. He said, " What is it, brother?"

    Elijah said, " We can have our home back. I have a plan."

   Kol said, " Well, Don't leave us in the dark, Brother."

  Elijah said, " Well, we know where Marcel goes every night. We know which Night-walkers and day walkers stay close to him. We have his witch with us to help keep the vampires at bay, while we deal with Marcel. What we need is a distraction? So, Caroline we need you to start batting your eyes, he will want to take you out. You will say yes. He won't take you to any restaurant, he will most likely have the date in the Abattoir. He wouldn't want anyone seeing you or getting near you. That's when we come in. We will come in and then take back what is ours. Niklaus, you can either have Marcel killed right away or tortured however you like."

    Klaus finally looked at me. I looked down, still not wanting to talk to him. He looked back at Elijah and said, " That's a fine plan, brother. But we need have one little matter at hand first. We need to kill Mikael before anyone finds out where he is. So, who's coming with me?"

   Elijah, Kol, and Stefan went with him. That just left us girls. Bekah said, " How about we go shopping? Caroline definitely needs a dress for this date."

   I said, " Beks, he didn't even ask me yet."

   She laughs and we then take Bekah's Jeep to the mall.

Klaus's POV
      Elijah, Kol and Stefan got in my car. We then drove the hour long drive to the cemetery where Mikael was put. We arrived and I led them to the tomb called, 'Cressida'. We walked in and I pushed open Mikael's coffin. He laid there in chains wrapped around his body. Stefan said, " I remember him. He acted like a police officer with drawings of all of you. He was hunting you all."

   I said, " Yep. That was after I compelled you and Katerina. I had to make sure he didn't realize you were close to us. But, now his time as come, again."

   I pulled the White oak stake out of my jacket. I then jabbed the stake in Mikael's heart. His body was soon caught on fire, and we stayed to make sure he's dead. The fire went out and all was left was ash. I closed the coffin back up and we walked back to my car. We then started the hour long drive back. On the way, Stefan said, " So, Klaus when are you and Caroline getting together?"

     I said, " It seems never. She doesn't want to talk to me or look at me. She still thinks I am a monster."

   Elijah said, " Niklaus, she just needs to know you more. You both need to get in a room together and figure it out."

  Kol said, " Elijah's right. If need be, I will gladly chain you both up together, till you kiss and make up."

    They all laughed. We then arrived home.

Caroline's POV
     We went shopping and started shopping. We stopped and got something to eat, and then shopped some more. We then put our bags in the car and Bekah started driving to my apartment. I was going to the bar tonight, to see Marcel. On the way, Bekah said, " So, Caroline. Are you going to talk to Nik?"

   Davina said, " Wait, Klaus was with Caroline?"

   Kat said, " No. He has feelings for her, and she won't admit her feelings for him. They aren't talking to each other because Klaus bit Caroline when he turned. He didn't know it was her. He healed her, and she sees him as a monster, and won't talk to him. Today, is the first day they seen each other in a month."

  Davina nodded and I said, " Firstly, I don't have feelings for Klaus. Secondly, He slaughtered a dozen people and didn't care. Thirdly, I just want to get this plan over with Marcel."

   They all nodded and then Bekah dropped me off at my apartment. I put my bags in the apartment and then headed to the bar. I arrived and sat down and drank bourbon. Marcel showed up and sat next to me.

   He said, " Long time no see. What happened?"

   I said, " Nothing. I am just tired and wanted a drink. So I'm here to drink."

  He nodded and drank with me. After a while, I got up to leave, but he grabbed my arm. He said, " How about I take you on a date?"

  I said, " Sure."

  He said, " Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6."

  I said, " See you then."

   I kissed his cheek and left. I then went home, and showered. I then put on my tank top and shorts. I then sat on the couch and watched, ' The kissing booth.'

    Stefan had finally came home. I said, " Late night with Bekah?"

   He sat on the couch and said, " Yeah. Sorry I wasn't home to watch this with you."

  I said, " It's fine. The plan is going great. Marcel is picking me up tomorrow for the date."

   He nodded and then I said, " Go get a shower. You stink!"

  He laughed and got up to get a shower. He soon came back in his pjs, and we watched, ' The kissing booth 2.' We then went to bed afterwards.

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