Marry me?

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Caroline's POV
It has been 5 years, since Nik and I got together. We have been happy ever since. New Orleans is perfect and amazing. Kat and Elijah got married, same as Stefan and Bekah. Kol had finally gotten Davina to go out with him. Anyway, I woke up and seen Nik wasn't in bed. I got up and put on my strapless black dress, with my black high heels.

I then walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag, made some coffee, and then heard a noise from the courtyard. I flashed to the courtyard and seen Elijah. I said, " Elijah, what are you doing here?"

He said, " Nothing. Came to see Niklaus, but it seems he isn't here."

I said, " Yeah, he wasn't here when I woke up. I guess he went to see the wolves again."

He nodded and I walked back to the kitchen. Elijah followed me and I gave him a blood bag. I then poured some coffee for the both of us. We then sat there in silence drinking our coffee. I then heard Nik yell, " Caroline!"

I flashed to the courtyard and seen Nik standing there. I said, " Where were you?"

He said, " Sorry, love. I went to see the wolves and see Stefan. I wanted to ask you something."

He flashed so, he stood directly in front of me. He grabbed my hand and said, " Caroline Forbes, you are the love of my life. You have been there for me the last 5 years, and you couldn't make me a happier hybrid. You are the light in the darkness. So, I wish for you to be with me, Always and Forever. Will you marry me?"

I said, " Yes, yes, yes!"

He opened a ring box and put the ring on my finger. It was a ring with a sapphire. I the pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss was passionate and full of our love. I then jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. We just kept kissing in the middle of the courtyard. Then, I heard clapping and a throat clearing. We pulled apart, and I let my feet to the ground. I looked and seen Elijah, Kol, Stefan, Kat, Bekah, and Davina standing there with smiles.

Kol said, " You men are so whipped! Needing to have a girl with you forever."

Davina crosses her arms and said, " What did you just say, Kol Mikaelson?!"

Kol gulped and said, " Nothing, darling."

Davina said, " We will talk later. Anyway, congrats Care!"

She then hugged me, same as everyone else. Nik said, " Alright, that's enough. I would love my fiancé back."

Elijah said, " Always the alpha!"

I giggled and Nik glared at Elijah. He said, " Maybe because I am the Alpha male."

Elijah rolled his eyes. I mumbled, " Not in the bedroom, you aren't."

He looked at me and smirked. Of course, he heard me. I think everyone else heard me cause they looked at me except Davina, since she doesn't have supernatural hearing. They soon, looked at Nik and I both. We then all sat on the couches in the courtyard. I was in Nik's lap, since he wouldn't let me go. Rebekah said, " Care, show us the ring."

I then showed then my right hand with the ring. Rebekah gasped and said, " Nik, where did you get it?"

Nik said, " I compelled the princess of Bulgaria last year."

Rebekah said, " Of course!"

I said, " So, that's where you went, when we were in Bulgaria?"

He said, " Yes, love."

I said, " I woke up alone, because you went to the palace!"

He nodded and we continued talking the rest of the day.

The End!!

I hope you liked this story. I have two other Klaroline stories if you want to check them out. The one is Last Love (Klaroline). The other is Lasting Love ( Klaroline). I hope you like them.

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