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Caroline's POV
     I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I got out of bed and walked to the door. I opened the door and it was Rebekah. I stood aside to let her in and she walked in and looked around. She said, " Wow. You do know how to live in style. I like you already."

   I said, " Rebekah, what do you need?"

   She said, " We need you to distract Marcel tonight."

   I said, " What makes you think I can distract him after I gave him a piece of my mind at the party? He probably doesn't want to see me."

   She said, " Well, here's the thing Marcel likes the chase, he likes the feisty girls. He got that in common with Nik."

   I said, " What?"

   She said, " Bloody hell! Anyone with a blind eye can see my brother is madly in love with you. He likes that you are strong, and honest. He likes how you can give anyone a piece of your mind and not care about the consequences. He is so hung up on you. He didn't want you to go through with distracting Marcel, cause he wanted to keep you safe."

      Wow. I didn't expect that. I said, " Well, he may think that because he doesn't know me. I don't like him, so just move passed it. Now where is Marcel going to be tonight?"

   She said, " He will be at the bar. So, Kat, you and I are going shopping to get you something hot to wear."

   I said, " Fine. Give me ten minutes to get dressed."

   She seen that I just woke up. She sat on the couch and I went to my room. I put on my strapless Green dress with my green heels. I then walked out and to the kitchen. I drank a blood bag and then turned to see Rebekah on the stool in the kitchen, and Kat sitting next to her.

    I said, " Kat, When did you get here?"

  Kat said, " I got here a couple minutes ago, Bekah let me in. Now let's go."

   I nodded and I grabbed my purse. We went downstairs and got in Rebekah's red Jeep. We then drove the hour to the mall outside of New Orleans. We arrived at the mall, and went into a few stores. We bought some stuff, but I couldn't find the right dress. We got some lunch and then went into a few more shops. We reached the store called, Dress Style. We walked in and Kat and Rebekah found me a couple dresses and sent me to try them on.

    There was a red one, green one, purple one, black one, and I am now trying on a blue dress. It is a royal blue with the plunging neckline. I walked out to show Rebekah and Kat. They both looked shocked. I said, " What do you think?"

     Rebekah said, " Wow. If Nik sees you, he won't be able to let you go and distract Marcel."

   Kat said, " I agree with Bekah. That dress looks hot on you, Care. Get it."

    I nodded and went and changed. I then walked out with the dress in my hands and paid for it. Kat then said, " So, Care Bear what is with you and Klaus?"

   I blushed and said," There's nothing between Klaus and I. I don't like him, and he probably won't even like me when he gets to know me."

    Rebekah said, " Wait, Care Bear? Where did that come from?"

   I said, " Well, my favorite stuffed animal when I was a kid was a bear. Kat found out and started calling me Care Bear ever since. She won't let it go."

   Rebekah laughed and Kat said, " Stop calling me Kit Kat and I will."

   I said, " Never. Kit Kat!"

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