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Caroline's POV
      I woke up in a strange room. I heard someone say, " Your awake."

    I looked to the side and seen Klaus. He walked over to me and tried to put his hand on my chin. But I flinched. He looked down and said, " I'll leave you be."

   He then left the room.

Klaus's POV
      I seen the way she flinched and the way she looked at me. She thinks I am a monster. I walked out of the room and downstairs to the living room. I seen Bekah, Elijah, Kol, Stefan and Katerina. I went and poured a glass of bourbon and drank it in one gulp. I then poured some more into the glass.

    Katerina said, " Is she awake?"

   I nodded and her and Stefan sped up to the room. I then threw my glass at the wall in rage, anger and sadness. Elijah said, " Niklaus, what is the matter?"

     I looked at Bekah and Kol and they left. I then said, " She is afraid of me."

   Elijah said, " She is not..."

  I interrupted him by saying, " She is. You should've seen the way she looked at me and the way she flinched away from me. She is scared and afraid of me. She sees me as a monster. That's all I am is a monster."

     Elijah came over and put a hand on my shoulder, I shrugged it off. He said, " Niklaus, you aren't a monster. You get upset and when you get upset villages are slaughtered. She doesn't know what is beneath the beast. If you let her in, she will learn to not be feared by you. She is light and you need all the light you need in your life. Just give her time, Niklaus."

I nodded and poured myself some more bourbon and drank.

Caroline's POV
      I looked around the room and seen that there was a king size bed, a couch in front of the fireplace. There was a bedside table, I looked over the contents and it was a sketch book, a lamp, and a clock. I was tempted to look in the sketch book but didn't. A couple minutes later, Kat and Stefan walked in. They hugged me.

    I said, " What happened? All I remember is Klaus killing a bunch of people and then Klaus biting me."

    Kat and Stefan exchanged a look. Kat said, " Caroline, Klaus brought you back here after he learned that it was you he bit. He didn't know it was you. He was torn up about it. He then healed you with his blood. Cause everyone here learned that Klaus's blood can heal werewolf bites. After he healed you, he didn't leave your side. He never left this room till you woke up. He still seems upset."

     I said, " I don't know if I can see passed him being a monster. All he has is darkness in his heart. I can't see him, not right now at least. I want to go home."

They nodded and Stefan gave me a blood bag, and then I flashed out of there. Kat followed me, and we arrived at my apartment.

Stefan's POV
    I had Kat follow her and make sure she is okay. I went downstairs and seen Klaus drinking out of the bottle of bourbon. He said, " Where is she?"

   I said, "She left. She wanted to go home. Kat went with her. She doesn't want to see you."

   He said, " I figured as much. This is the only time I got close to a woman and started having feelings for her. I figured she hates me after seeing me kill a dozen people at once and then biting her."

     I said, " Klaus, just give her time. She will eventually come around."

  He said, " I doubt that."

   I then flashed out of the house and sped to the apartment. I walked in and seen Kat on the couch. I said, " How is she?"

Kat said, "She is getting a shower. She's sad and mad at the same time. She doesn't know what to do."

   I sighed. A few minutes later, Caroline walked out in her pjs. We sat on the couch and watched movies all night. Kat and I were mostly keeping an eye on her.

Klaus's POV
     Stefan left and I smashed the bottle against the wall. Bekah came in and said, " Bloody Hell, Nik! What is it?"

    I said, " She left and doesn't want to see me again. She hates me. I'm going out."

   I then grabbed my jacket and flashed to the nearest bar. I went in and started drinking. Right now, I didn't want to think about her, I just wanted to drink. I wanted my mind off of her. She thinks I am a monster.

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