Ch. 3

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Isabella sprinted back into the office they had just left, grabbed his laptop and ran back sliding to a stop beside Miguel. She grabbed the phone out of his frozen hands and put it on speaker while she typed insanely fast. She pressed some buttons on the phone and then back to the laptop. Nestor was gripping Miguel's shoulder in support while he called the security guard that should have been with Emily and Cristobal.

Two long minutes later and she had the location of Emily's phone. She slid the laptop to face Nestor so he could see the location too. "Thank you." He didn't seem like a man to say that often, she just nodded and started heading to the front door. "Where are you going?" He asked and she smiled back at him over her shoulder before answering, "Hunting." She pulled her helmet over her head before jumping on her bike and tearing out of the compound.

She knew Nestor was following but she didn't have any self preservation as she sped along maxing out the bikes power. When she arrived at Emily's location she found a dead body guard and a nanny comforting Emily on her knees still crying. Isabella knelt in front of Emily grabbing her either side of her face. "Emily, look at me! Which way did they go? You need to tell me so they don't get further away!" Emily snapped out of her daze and pointed down the road away from where she had come from. Heading towards Mexico down the TJ highway.

Isabella jumped on her bike not wasting anymore time. She sped down the road looking for any signs of tyre tracks going off road. She looked down at the phone holder mounted below the speedometer and saw that one of the areas of interest was about 20 miles inland from here. Just on the other side of the border. About a mile along the road, tyre tracks veered off and headed in between valleys of rocks. She stopped the bike at the start of the tracks and screenshot her location on the map and sent it to Nestor before following the tracks on her Harley.

She made it to the fence line and saw the chain links had been roughly pulled back in place but had been clearly cut through. She sent another screenshot of her location to Nestor. She was putting blind faith in the man she barely knew but she trusted that he was following. She held the fence up and she rolled her bike through the gap. Once again she was off following the tracks, hopefully closing the distance on the poor child these mongrels had kidnapped.

She could see something in the distance so she parked the bike. It was far too loud to get much closer without being spotted or heard. Taking the helmet off, she wrapped a scarf of kevlar material around her head and neck leaving slits to see out. Running the last mile she found an old station wagon parked at the bottom of a steep cliff face. Scaling the rocks she peered over the top before climbing back down.

I - Found the camp. Going to find Cristobal. About 20 adults and 60 children.
N - We are 10 minutes away. Wait for back up. Please.

Isabella waited for about a minute before her patience ran out. She silently scaled the cliff again and hid behind a large rock. She heard the crunch of boots get closer. A shadow could be seen thanks to the fires in the centre of camp. She skirted around the rock so she was behind the patrol scout and silently slit his throat before throwing the body over the cliff face. She kicked sand and dirt over the blood so it was hidden and went back to her hiding spot. Every two minutes another patrol guard walked by and every two minutes another body was thrown over the side.

She saw a glint in the distance and hoped no one else noticed it. She scaled back down the cliff and met the man she had been waiting for. Nestors eye travelled from the pile of bodies over to the shadow coming down the cliff. It wasn't until she was right in front of him that he could make out her eyes in the black outfit she wore.

She unwrapped the headpiece and the other men gasped in shock not realising the shadow assassin was a woman. To avoid being heard she leant in close to Nestor and whispered in his ear. "Patrol is every two minutes. Most of the guards are adults but the children are all armed with semi-automatics. There are three main tents. A mess hall, a sleep area and a central hub. There is a baby in the central hub but I don't know what he looks like."

Nestor nodded his head acknowledging the information. As he was about to move over to brief the back up she grabbed his arm. He froze when she ran her hand up his arm to the side of his face. She moved in closer and unclipped his earring before sliding it into his pants pocket. "It gave your position away." She moved back to the base of the cliff and wrapped her head, a shadow once again. He shook his arm she had touch, trying to get rid of the goosebumps the woman had left behind.

The men had come up with their strategy and moved off to be closer to the hub tent. Nestor spied the area and saw a Mayan patch walking away from the tent. His blood boiled with rage. Those fucking traitors, once again Isabella was right. In 12 hours she's been a better ally than the Mayans have in the last 6 months. He saw the Mayan meet up with three others and they left the campsite. A truck headed off soon after, they must use a different tunnel or fence to get back to the States.

It was a little after midnight before they made their way into camp. They picked off 15 guards patrolling the camp before it was quiet enough to enter the site. Most of the children were asleep and Isabella scouted 7 people awake outside. Two fires had died out and a dimness descended over the camp.

Isabella stalked silently to one entrance of the tent while Nestor took the other with the men spread around the tent keeping watch. Isabella slipped between the flap without making a sound and crept around the large room. She spotted a portacot with a baby inside and a woman sitting beside it rubbing the baby's back gently.

Isabella crept behind the woman and quickly pressed a needle into the top of her spine. The woman's hand froze in the position it was when the needle hit the spinal cord. Her wide eyes were darting around the tent trying to see what was paralysing her. Nestor was working his way quickly through the few people in the tent. A small gurgle was heard when he slit the throat of a man in front of a laptop. No one else seemed alerted yet but they had to work quickly.

In under a minute the sandy floor was drenched with blood and the only rebel survivor was the woman paralysed. Nestor walked up to the cot and confirmed it was Cristobal, thankfully the boy was still fast asleep. Nestor turned to face the woman, Adelita. "The blood of your rebels are on your hands tonight. Don't go after the Galindo family again or we will come back and finish the job."

Isabella stood suddenly and flicked her wrist throwing a dagger into the forehead of a man who had just entered the tent and had his gun aimed at Nestor. "Time to go." She said as she picked the child up and used the cot sheet to strap the boy to her chest, like a sling. She landed a solid punch to Adelita's temple before pulling the needle from the woman's neck and putting it back into the leather holder.

They moved out as a group, the men creating a ring around Isabella and Cristobal. Reaching the edge of the cliff Nestor turned to see if she needed help getting down but she was already halfway to the bottom. He smiled to himself before dropping over the side and following suit. They made it back to the trucks where Isabella placed the sleeping baby in the carrier on the backseat before unwrapping her scarf to put her helmet on. She led the way back on her Harley, heading straight to the Galindo residence.

The Two Assassins - Nestor OcetevaWhere stories live. Discover now