Chapter 13: The Council

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Four others were waiting near the center of the large audience chamber. The fire pit was in the north wing, nearby.  Besides Caliban and Elias, the other two weapon masters, there were two strangers to Don. Enos made the introductions. "This is Danny of the Yazzi clan of the Dine People. They are good friends of ours, except that we see them all too infrequently." He motioned toward a dark-haired man with a barrel chest and wide face, who stood and gave a quick bow. 

"Your reputations do you honor," said Danny, smiling. "And I am greatly honored to meet you." 

Enos nodded agreement, then gestured to a small, wiry man with dark hair. "This is Senor Ramos of the Sonora Clan. He represents a large people, far to the south." 

"Very pleased to make your acquaintance," said Senor Ramos, smiling, and showing a set of perfect, white teeth. He wore a coarse, white shirt, with two red flowers embroidered over his heart. His trousers were of tan leather. "This meeting is truly providential. Dios les bendiga!" 

Don and Samuel exchanged polite greetings with the newcomers and with all the weapon masters. Don was quite interested in both Danny Yazzi and Senor Ramos, from a professional standpoint. He had heard of groups that retained a tongue from the elder days, very different from the standard dialect, and he was in the presence of a member of two! For a moment, he wanted to stop everything and discuss linguistics. But Enos' next comments brought him back to the issue at hand. 

"I agree with Senor Ramos," he began, indicating that all should be seated. Two young pages in Tubal livery started distributing bowls of soup and flat cakes of fried bread. "We are met today at a most important juncture. I think we should discuss whether this is the time that the Tubal blade of war should be unsheathed." 

Don started, unable to believe his ears. Trying to keep his voice steady and calm, he said, "Excuse me. Just a few days ago you refused to aid in a certain rescue because you feared it would be provocative, and now you talk of war?" He looked coldly at Enos. "I am afraid that I do not understand this sudden shift. It would have been more welcome earlier!" 

Enos smiled ruefully, a tight grimace, and held up both hands, palm outward. "Yes, yes," he replied quickly. "I quite understand your reaction. But this is only talk, at this point. It will be a long time coming -- far too long to have been of help to you and the girls, I'm afraid." 

"In fact, we do need to discuss the reaction that we can expect. As a result of the rescue, that is. And let me be the first to offer congratulations," he added. There was a round of polite applause, and with the urging of Danny Yazzi and Senor Ramos, who had not heard anything but the briefest account, Samuel told the story of the rescue in great detail. Don said little, but reliving the experience soothed his irritation and restored his mood, somewhat. 

"It seems to me that we may have to move our schedule forward," said Caliban, rubbing his close-cropped mustache. "Balek Brown has lost face. He has been made to look like a fool before the entire camp, but worse yet, the Black Prophet will learn that these prize beauties have been stolen. I fear that the niceties of the situation may be lost on Brown. The Prophet is also capable of lashing out in anger. I fear that our friends at the House of Healing will be the ones to suffer." 

"Yes, friend," nodded Elias, looking directly at Enos. "And if the House of Healing is destroyed, the whole world loses!" They both glanced at Don, who shifted uneasily in his seat. 

"I quite agree," answered Enos, nodding. "The danger is too great to risk. The girls must be moved just as soon as they are strong enough. Could they be able to ride tomorrow, Loreman?" 

Don knotted his brow. "It is possible," he admitted, after a moment's thought. "But a day or two of rest would be better. Much would depend on how far they had to travel." 

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