Chapter 21: Horse Troop

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Horse Troop

Samuel met with Don and Aaron at breakfast the next morning. Hot cakes, butter and honey with goat cheese and tea-- that formed the menu. It was a simple meal, though Don did substitute buttermilk for the tea. They talked about the latest rumors: concern was growing and verging to the point of panic in Glenwood, which had no walls. Some residents there had already boarded up their houses and moved in with someone in Ariel or Bethuel. The latest decree from the House of Healing was that only able-bodied men may move there, though they could take their wives and children if they agreed to train for the militia. Outlying farmers were bringing their crops to be stored behind the walls, which had not been done in many years.  Those bringing in crops were warmly welcomed, of course.  There was talk of confiscating all available food and taking it behind wall, by force, if necessary.  Though most thought the situation was not yet that dire.

Samuel mentioned that Ariel had only the day before provided additional arms and armor to the House of Healing -- enough for 200 men. A call for volunteers to defend the healers had resulted in only twenty or so, but a new bonus of 20 silver mills was promised, and the numbers were thought likely to increase. Weapons drill there would begin in a day or two.

"So," concluded Samuel, spearing another pancake with his fork. "People are beginning to take our warnings seriously, at last. I pray it is not too late."

Don nodded. "That seems to be true. But it all seems to be so half-hearted. Don’t they realize that if the Prophet comes, it won’t be a few raiders? It will be war."

"It is hard to understand," agreed Aaron. "Oh, perhaps not on the part of the ordinary people. No one has told them the full, ugly truth. But the leaders all know how bad it is, and still they seem to think they have until Christmas to get ready."

The word "Christmas” jarred Don, since it reminded him that the local culture had points of strangeness. He knew the word, of course, from the old writings, but no one that he had grown up with would use it in conversation. While he was distracted by thoughts about the strangeness of people who actually make a babe in a manger an object of worship, Aaron went on to summarize the latest intelligence from the pilgrims to the west.

"... and so," concluded Aaron, "there are many indications of troop movements to the south and east that would fit the idea of a major attack on our towns here. But there are other units that are being held far to the north, and the local commanders seem to be recruiting still others."

Samuel sat silently, deep in thought. Don had missed some detail, but the main idea was clear. Samuel finally voiced it, saying, "The Prophet is clearly going to make an example of us, but he has something else in mind, as well. Whatever could it be? Do you think he plans to attack Steamboat, as well?"

All he received in reply were shrugs, as they all devoted themselves to their food for a few minutes. Samuel changed the subject.  “I had a meeting late last night with the council,” he remarked.  His voice was casual, and he did not emphasize his words, yet Don immediately looked up from his plate.  There was a note there that sounded like an announcement.

“Well, go on,” said Aaron, quickly.  “Don’t keep us in suspense.”

“Let me lay some groundwork, first,” smiled Samuel.  “The council has agreed that we must mobilize.”

Aaron made a fist, and hammered it in the air over the table.  “Yes!” he exclaimed.  They all smiled and exchanged handshakes.  Aaron continued,   “It was late in coming, but maybe not too late.  Perhaps our adventure downriver was not in vain.”

“Perhaps not,” continued Samuel.  “They agree that the threat is real, and that Ariel needs to look to its defenses.  And I was even able to convince them that we need at least a troop of horse to scout the valley and to counter the raiders.  Their camp is a danger that we can no longer ignore.  So what do you think?”

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