A Trick and a Win

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Third Reich snapped, a portal that only led to darkness appeared. This darkness was the void he called home. He sighed and stepped over the portal into the void, the portal closed behind him as he opened a new one. He stepped through the portal to see his good ol' pal England. Third grinned, slightly chuckling. England who was studying a map turned and studied the room, Third could tell that he had heard his laughter. England sighed, rolling his eyes and went back to the map. Third walked past the table, grabbing a pencil as he walked. England watched the floating in shock, Third waltzed around him a couple times to make sure he had Englands attention. He finally stopped next the the map, and drew a large oval on Canada, drawing some fake hieroglyphics to throw England off. England, deciding it was best not to anger a spirit that was helping him, called for a man and set a plan to attack Canada. Third was unhappy with how small the attack was going to be, he wanted a bigger attack to launch the war off not some small beach party. Third sighed circling America twice and then went back through the portal in which he came.
"Damn it..."
"If only there was a way to get him to attack Canada on a bigger scale......."
"If only....." Third stopped, he grinned chuckling, his grin got bigger as his laugh got eviler. He knew just what to do.

  Meanwhile with Florida and California.
"Ugh! This mission is soooo boring!" California groaned, leaning on the plane seat in her human form.
"It's not that bad. It'll get better when we get to use the TNT I brought, Oh! I also brought marshmallows so we can have s'mores!" Florida cheered, California smiled laughing.
"I guess you assumed I was going to bring the graham crackers and chocolate?"
"I saw them in your bag."
"You know me to well Florida!" California laughed, holding up the bag of s'mores ingredients, the two started laughing together, right up until California realized that you're not supposed to say, much less bring, TNT or bombs on a plane. California looked around to see if anyone heard what Florida had said. The one other person with them was asleep, California sighed in relief. The rest of the trip went smoothly, they carried out they're plans easily and managed to sneak away the bombs with them exploding, the plane that took them away was flown by Alaska, who wanted to be as far away as possible from Russia.
"Now for our last step...." Florida said giggling evilly.
"What's the last step?" California asked, Florida grabbed California's bag and dug through it, finding what he wanted.
"S'MORES!" Florida yelled, pulling the bag of ingredients out of the purse. California clapped happily making a small fire so as to seem suspicious that they were roasting marshmallows next to huge fire and somehow not getting hurt. Not long after a helicopter had landed next to the kids, England stepped out of the helicopter yelling angrily. California quietly chuckled and threw her hand over Florida's mouth to keep him from erupting like a laughing volcano. England marched over to them.
"Lovely night for marshmallows isn't it? It was ruined by the delinquents that started that fire wasn't it?" England said, thinking they had seen the people who did, unknowing that he was talking to them.
"Indeed, at least we're still enjoying ourselves." California said pulling out her best English accent, acting lessons had payed off. Florida packed up the stuff trying not to laugh. England nodded.
"Did you and your friend happen to see the people that caused this?" England asked staring straight into California's calm ocean blue eyes.
"They ran that way." California pointed in the general direction of London. England sighed walking away and leaving. Florida exploded once England was out of earshot.

  America laughed, he was watching the news and saw what happened. Russian walked over, confused about what America was laughing about, he watched the television screen for a moment before erupting with laughter.
"I told you they'd do it!" America cheered happily, watching England freak out about the mess and missing bombs.
"Who did you even send over there to do it!?" Russia asked, wiping the tears from his face.
"Florida and California, California is the best actor I know and Florida is the best at anything against the law." America replied chuckling over their win over England. "This war is going to be a breeze!"

"Or so you think Amerika, it's about to get much more dangerous...."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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