Noah, Liam, and Joseph

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*Englands Point Of View*

I walked down the hall to the world meeting, it was being held in Washington D.C. it seemed such a boring city. It reeked of fish, there had been many food stalls with fish. I couldn't bear think that America's capital was such a filthy place. I had been told that it was beautiful at night, but I didn't quite believe it. I sighed as I walked through the crowd. All of the sudden a ball hit my head, I bent down and picked the ball up.

"Uhm...E-Excuse me sir! Ca-Can I have th-that back p-please?" A child was standing right next to me, I stared at the kid little bit. I wondered why the child didn't ask about why he had a flag for a face...until I remembered I had put up a disguise so I could walk to the White House unnoticed.

"Oh! Of course, sorry I got a little lost in thought." I finally said, the kid smiled at me and took the ball out of my hand.

"Thanks Mr. England!" The kid said, he turned and ran giggling. I watched as the kid walked back to another kid who slapped his head. The two kids had something odd about them, for one thing it was winter and there was snow everywhere, but the two had t-shirts on. Both of them had jackets but they were on their waists, the kid that owned the ball had a normal cotton jacket, while the other had a leather jacket. Not only was this odd, but it was clear they knew who he was. A teen who had been standing near the two (probably their brother) noticed me and walked over to where I was standing. The boy was glaring at me.

"Do you have a problem sir? Why are you staring at my brothers? Do you need help getting somewhere?" The boy asked, I stopped staring at the two boys and stared at the teen in front of me.

"Oh um, yes actually! I was wondering how to get to the...White House!" I said, I forgot what America's house was called for a little bit. That was a little embarrassing. The boy nodded.

"How funny me and my brothers were just going to head over there, if you want you can join us! But don't touch them, if you touch them I'm getting my dad!" The boy said signalling the two boys to come over to him. Why should he be scared of some boys father? He was a country for heavens sake!

"I wouldn't touch them, I've learned from my friends mistakes not to harm others...and some of my own too. Now what are your names, my name is Mr. Oliver." I said wanting to be polite, even if I was weirded out by this little group of children, besides who in their right mind would let children go play in a crowd!? How irresponsible! One of the two boys giggled.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Oliver!" The boy who owned the boy said. I finally noticed the ball the boy was holding was on fire. I stepped back. THE BOY WAS A DEMON!! He was holding FIRE!! In his bare hands!!

*Noahs Point Of View*

I looked confused as to why England had flinched away from me.

"Azzy it's on fire again." My brother Liam said, I looked down and sure enough my Tennisball was on fire I muttered annoyed. I groaned and patted the fire out, England probably thought I was a demon or some unholy beast. Liam and I both had to deal with being on fire, it was annoying, but we managed. My other brother Joseph whispered something into England's ear that I couldn't hear, England calmed down but still seemed wary of me.

"Anyways, my name is Joseph. And these fire birds are Noah and Liam." Joseph said, pointing at me and Liam. I hadn't noticed but we had been walking and we somehow arrived home. I cursed under my breath and tried to walk away, but Joseph grabbed my shirt collar and dragged me (and Liam) inside.

Our dad was at the door, he had a meeting today so he was there to greet everyone. Joseph pulled us towards the door, our father greeted us with a grin. He winked at us.

"Sorry kids we ain't taking tours, we're kinda busy today so get scram!" America said, his kids winked back, made disappointed faces and left. England chuckled and walked inside.

*No Ones Point Of View*

The meeting went smoothly, everyone was leaving. England ran up to France who was a couple feet away. They walked side by side discussing future plans for their countries. Eventually they got outside, then they saw America talking to the kids from earlier. He looked happy to talk to them, France and England watched from a distance. Eventually America stood up and ruffled Noah's hair. Joseph once again noticed England watching him, this time with France. He walked up to France.

"Hello Mr. Oliver. Ms....what's your name?" Joseph said, France giggled a little bit.

"My name is Louise, what's your name young sir?" France responded.

"The names Joseph!" It was the first time England noticed the boy had an accent, he didn't know enough American accents so he couldn't tell which one but he knew it was American. America walked over with the two other boys.

"Oh hey pops! This is my friends kid Joseph." America said, Joseph sighed. That was always his dads excuse.

"Oh I know, I was walking over to the meeting hall when this one had a ball of fire in his hands." England said, pointing at Noah who pulled in his shirts collar. America sighed and looked at the young boy.

"Should I?" He asked the three boys in front of him. They nodded, and he dragged them all inside the White House. They walked towards the basement where the portal thing that lead to the country world was.

"Ame, normals can't go there you know that!" France said, pushing the children back.

"Calm down, they ain't humans." America responded, he pulled his human disguise off and jumped through the portal. The children pulled their disguises off to reveal Arizona(Noah), Texas(Liam), and New Jersey(Joseph). The two countries gasped and watched as they jumped through the portal. They pulled off their disguises and then jumped through the portal.

Hey guys! Author here, hope you guys are enjoying this. I sure am. Anyways you'll have to wait a little bit more until some drama starts, trust me I have stuff planned. Anyways have a nice whatever time it is for you!

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