chapter 8: you loosahs!

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Zayn noticed her worry and promised to elaborate more once he got the chance. Wherever they were going, they were doing so in a hurry. Their group sped walked through the backstage hallways, checking every corner before they ran down a new one. Occasionally they pass come staff members and kept their interaction level at a bare minimum when they could. The stalling every few minutes stopped when their walking turned into running.

Thoughts were swimming in Alex's mind, why we going so fucking fast!

It was hard to keep up for, Valerie, too, even with a death grip on Harry's hand, why are we running...WHY ARE WE RUNNING!

As weird as it was that they were holding hands with one direction and running through the catacombs of this arena, it was worth the mental mind fvck otherwise they would have been lost without them. They had no clue of where they were going; after all, it wasn't exactly part of their poorly thought out plan.

They managed to check off all the boxes: relive the concert, be invited backstage, meet ot9, and have a little fun. Whatever was going on now was completely out of their comfort zone, but then again, there isn't any other way to live if you want to do it right with no regrets.

Following the boys across the very stage they performed, they climbed down and came to a halt at the end of a hallway where a couple ofors were propped open by garbage bins. Everyone was panting, even the ones who were most in shape. "Do you enjoy torturing us?" asked Niall, bent over trying to catch his breath against the wall.

Michael was bent over too, but for another reason, "Yeah I'm starting to feel that pizza come up."

"Mike!" Ashton yelled, "mate we barely even ran!"

Valerie was sweaty and fed up, having caught her breath enough to form a sentence, "speak for yourself drumstick, we're not all in as good a shape as you!"

"Now you speak for yourself!"

"You think I'm in good shape?"

"Drumstick?! HA!" Zayn, Ashton, and Luke said at the same time. Valerie didn't know how to respond to any of them, especially Ashton who was smirking right at her. Lucky Louis saved her from having to fill the silence.

"So? Are we doing this thing or not?"

"This thing?'' Alex asked, casually trying to remind them that they are still in the dark about everything that's going on.

"Oh! Yea," Calum ignored Alex and opened the doors which led outside the back of the stadium. If Alex wasn't sweating from the marathon she just ran, the sudden change from the cool air-conditioned structure to the Australian heat did the trick.

"Here!" Luke found a group of segways next to a bunch of golf carts as if this place didn't already have enough. He and Calum hopped on a pair, followed by Ashton and Zayn, claiming the last of the 4. The golf carts didn't go unnoticed.

"Great! I'm driving!" Michael yelled, sprinting to the nearest cart.

Niall chased after him, "shotgun!"

Alex crossed the lot with the rest of them, hopping into the driver's seat of whatever cart was free. Everyone else was doing donuts and racing around the lot but her cart wasn't budging. Harry appeared to her side of the cart dangling his lanyard in front of her, "Don't you need keys to drive one of these?"

"Right, right," she began to step out but the hand she used to reach out for the edge of the cart was stuffed with his lanyard instead, "I didn't say you couldn't. Do you know how to?"

The moment he circled to get in through the passenger seat gave her time to compose herself and deflush her face, "I mean, no." and it was the truth, she doesn't even have her drivers license, but now was no time to be insecure, "but how hard could it be?"

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