Chapter 11: Over The Phone

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Aizawa POV

I walk down the halls to my office, thinking of the heart I'm about to break. I think of my former electrical student and smile, realising how much of him is in his daughter. I reach for my phone and find a contact I haven't called since his UA days.

"Hey Denki. It's me, Aizawa. Ya know, that one teacher you had at UA? Yeah. I uh- I have some news for you. You may want to sit down." I breathe a huge sigh, terrified to hear his reaction. "I know you've been on a mission and we asked the media not to report on this, so you must have no idea what I'm talking about but uh-" I stammered, regretting my decision. I heard Denki breathe a shaky breath as he prepared himself for the news.

"What is it Aizawa?" he managed to say steadily. I breathe another sigh, close my eyes and get it out in one breath.

"VillainsattackedtheUAcampusandtriedtokidnapBakugo'sdaughterbutyourchildsacrificedherselfsonowsheistheonewhogotkidnappedandshesbeenmissingforawhilenowimsorryDenki." (A/N: props to you if you could read that first try) I breathe out, not realizing the huge breath I was holding. He was silent until..

"Yeah sorry Aizawa can you say it slowly please? Something about villains and Bakugo and Pika?" he questioned me. 'Ok Aizawa. We got this. Just tell him' I thought, almost hyping myself up.

"Villains attacked the UA campus and tried to kidnap Bakugo's daughter but your child sacrificed herself so now she is the one who got kidnapped and she has been missing for a while now. I'm sorry Denki." I said. He breathed out a huge, shaking breath and I knew, in that moment, I knew that I had shattered his heart. I hear him start crying and trying to pull himself together and his breathe gets shorter and quicker.

"Not her too.." he mumbles quietly. Just as I was about to ask what he said, Denki painfully cries.

"I lost the love of my life to the League. They c-cant take her t-too." I realise what he was talking about. I remember Mic telling me about his wife and how she died.

"Denki listen. Just listen to my voice and control your breathing. I know your an adult but it's hard to deal with things like this. We're sending a rescue team out tonight for her. We've had a search team looking for Pika ever since she went missing and they managed to locate her yesterday. We're getting your daughter out of there tonight." I told him, hoping it was some reassurance. His breathing slows and his crying stops.

"I'll be right over." he replies quickly as he hung up the phone. 'My god Pika, I hope your okay' I say to myself, thinking of the two lovers that have been crushed by Kaminari's absence. 

Word count: 469

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