Chpater 12

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Friday came a lot sooner then you anticipated. 
“What do I wear?” You asked Mili.
“Nothing fancy, you’ll probably get puked on,” Mili says as you walk over to your dresser. 
“So causally wear?” You ask and she nods. You nod and pull out (black/grey/white) t-shirt, a f/c flannel, and denim skinny jeans. You topped it off with your f/c beanie.“Will this work?” You ask.
“Yeah,” she shrugs. You run to the bathroom and get changed. You finished just as Stan texted you.
St: Were here
You: be out in a minute.
You ran downstairs and slipped on your shoes.
“Bye Mili! Bye Collin!” You call.
“Bye be safe!” Mili and Collin yell in unison. You head out the door and to Stan’s car. You hoped into the back.
“Hey dude you ready?” Kenny asks as he slings an arm around, just like he is Butters. 
“Yeah,” you nod. 
“So is this your first party?” Stan asks.
“Yeah,” you nod. 
“Your in for a treat,” Stan smirks. You chuckled lightly but didn’t say anything. 
When you got to Tokens house Craig, Tweek, Clyde, Wendy, and Bebe were all there already. 
“Oh great you guys are here!” Wendy exclaims. Token’s house... no mansion was huge. You were still taking it all in.
“Oh yeah this is the first time you’ve been here Y/n. Welcome to my house,” Token greets.
“Yeah thanks,” you nod.
“Well we’re starting with truth or dare!” Wendy exclaims. You clear a circle on the floor and you all sit in a circle. You ended up in between Kyle and Butters. 
“Okay, we all  know the rules, besides Y/n. So basically with truths you have to answer them honestly and dares you have to do them and if you don’t then you’ll have to pick something from this bag and do what it says,” Wendy explains.
“Alright I think I got it,” you nod. 
“Good I’ll start,” Wendy smiles. “Kyle truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Kyle says. 
“Is it true that your gay?” She asks. ‘Wait what? Kyle’s gay?’ You think,’ I might have a chance!’ 
“Yeah,” Kyle nods. Wendy smiles.
“Alright your turn!” 
“Uh...Kenny truth or dare?” Kyle asks. 
“Dare obviously,” Kenny smiles.
“I dare you not to make any sexual comments or gestures towards Butters until the end of the game,” Kyle says. 
“That’s cruel,” Kenny pouts,” but not impossible, anyways Y/n! Truth or dare?” 
“Truth,” you said quickly. You wanted to warm up to the truths a little then step into the dare zone. 
“Okay, do you have a crush on anyone?” He asks. You blush as your first thoughts went to Kyle. 
“Y-yes,” you nod. 
“Sweet,” he smirks. 
“Oh right it’s my turn,” you say. You looked at everyone. You didn’t really know everyone’s limits. 
“You can give your turn to someone else, you don’t really know everyone’s boundaries yet, so we can give you a few rounds,” Wendy says.
“Please,” you nod.
“Alright Craig go!” Wendy exclaims. 
“What why me?” Craig asks.
“Because you were the first to come out of the closet! Now go!” Wendy yells. 
“Fine, Clyde truth or dare?” Craig asks.
“Dare!” Clyde exclaims. 
“Lets go into the kitchen for this one,” Craig smirks. Clyde rises up to the challenge and follows Craig. They return with something that looks disgusting. 
“Alright three... two... one...,” Craig says and Clyde chugs it down. When he finished he lets out a burp.
“That was disgusting,” Clyde says as they sit back down. 
You went a few rounds in and was starting to get more comfortable. 
“Alright Y/n truth or dare?” Stan asks.
“Dare,” you said now wanting to test your luck. 
“Sit on Kyle’s lap and stay there til the end of the game,” Stan smirks. You heart beat sped up as a blush covered your face. You weren’t going to lie and say you didn’t want to because you totally did. You scooted over awkwardly and sat down on Kyle’s lap. Both of you blushes deeply. You were tense and you were positive Kyle could tell. 
“Alright and Craig back to you!” Wendy exclaims. 
*Kyle’s Pov* 
Y/n is shaking, he’s so tense right now and I don’t know how to help. I wrap my arms around him and whisper in his ear,
“Relax it’s okay, I don’t mind,” I whisper.
Stan may be my Super Best Friend but god do I hate him sometimes. I told him I wanted to do this on my own... I didn’t need his help or anyone else’s. I felt Y/n slowly relax as we finished up this round. 
“Alright Kyle truth or dare?” Kenny asks. 
“Truth,” I say. 
“Are you enjoying yourself right now?”
Kenny asks with a smirk. I blush and Y/n tenses up again. 
“Y-yeah,” I admit. 
“Of course,” Kenny smirks. 
“Fuck off!” I say.
“Only of Butters can join me- Wait shit I didn’t mean to say that!” He yells. 
“Ha! Wendy hand him the bag!” I yell. Wendy smiles and tosses the bag to Kenny. He pulls out a paper.
“Strip to your underwear,” Kenny reads aloud. He shrugs then takes off all his clothes down to his underwear. 
“You know what guys I think we should kick it up a notch, let’s go dare or dare,” Wendy smirks. “And no this doesn’t count as a new game there will just be no more truths. Stan you start.” 
*Normal Pov* 
“Y/n, dare or dare?” Stan asks. 
“Dare?” You question more then answer. 
“I dare you to kiss Kyle,” Stan says. Your heart sped up. You started to panic then realized he didn’t specify where, so you quickly kissed him on the cheek. 
“That doesn’t count!” Clyde exclaims.
“Stan didn’t specify where,” you say. 
“Shit he’s right,” Stan said. You all finished this round then dispersed. Thankfully none dared Kyle to kiss you. You probably would of died if they did. You stepped out onto one of Tokens many porches just to get some fresh air. ‘If Kyle’s gay do I got a chance of him liking me? What if I’m just dreaming too big? I’m just being delusional...I really like him though. I should of just kissed him on the lips...’
“Hey,” you jumped at Kyle’s voice. 
“Hey,” you smile and turn to face him. 
“You doing okay?” He asks.
“I’m thinking,” you sigh. 
“About?” He asks and lightly grabs on of your hands. Your heart instantly sped up.
“About earlier, I was so tense and awkward and-“ you start.
“It’s okay...really I didn’t mind,” he cut you off. 
“I want to kiss you,” you mumble. Now is the perfect opportunity.
“What?” Kyle asks and blushes. You went for it. You kissed him. At first you could tell he was shocked but then he kissed back. Kyle grabbed your other hand and lightly squeezed. 
“Fucking finally!” 
You both quickly pulled away and looked over to see Kenny. Stan was right next to him. 
“We were waiting for it!” Stan yells. 
You smiled and looked down blushing.
“It’s not official yet!” Kyle yells. You look up at him confused. He smiles and says,” Y/n will you got out with me?” 
You responded by giving him another kiss. You pulled away and smiled.
You both headed back inside hand in hand. 
“So who initiated the first kiss?” Craig asks leaning on the counter. 
“I did,” you say shyly. 
“Wow really?” Craig asks. 
“Y-yeah,” you nod.
“Well congrats you two,” he smiles. 
“Thanks,” you both smiled as Craig walked off. You and Kyle then went into the living room. Token, Clyde, Bebe and Wendy were all standing around and talking. 
“Well look at you two,” Wendy smiles at the two of you. This got the attention of the other three. 
“Oh my god yes!” Bebe and Clyde exclaim at the same time.
“Congrats you two,” Token says. 
The rest of the night was filled with talking, and some games here and there. It was around three in the morning when you and Kyle cuddled up on the couch and fell asleep. Kyle fell asleep first hugging you tightly. After a little bit you fell asleep also.

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