Grizz's Furrytales chapter 10: Grizz's Dream/Serenading Shelley

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Grizz was dreaming about Shelley and the cubs. Grizz was in the bedroom with Shelley arguing when the cubs entered the room holding suitcases. "Grizz, I want a divorce and I'm filing for full custody of my cubs!" said Shelley laughing wickedly. As Shelley was about to leave, Grizz grabbed Shelley by the arm and said, "You're not going to take my kids away from me!" "Kids, get in the car!" Shelley said. "Why are you doing this to me, Shelley?" Grizz asked with tears in his eyes. "Because you hurt me and now it's my turn to hurt you by taking the cubs and moving to Miami Beach, Florida," said Shelley giving her wedding bracelet to Grizz. As Shelley left, Grizz woke up crying.

The cubs entered the room and hugged Grizz. "Daddy, we were thinking that maybe you should serenade Mommy," said April. "I don't think that your Mom wants me to serenade her, April," said Grizz. "Besides, she hates me!"

Bradley grabbed the phone and said, "Well, if you're not going to serenade her, I will!"  Bradley dialed the number and gave the phone to Grizzly.

"Why you little brat! No, Shelley, I wasn't calling you a brat!" Grizz cried. "Please don't hang up! The kids wanted me to serenade you. I said that I was sorry! I'm not yelling at you! If you just listen to me! Hello? Shelley? Shelley! She hung up!"

"What did mom say?" Bradley asked. "Your mother is thinking about getting a divorce," said Grizz crying. "She hates me!" "When was the last time you serenade Mom?" Crystal asked.

"Years ago, I took your mother to a Shakespeare Festival in Pennsylvania. We went as Romeo and Juliet." Grizz said. "How romantic!" said Eliza. "Did you guys win?" asked Dipper. "Yes, Dipper, we did! Your Mother and I did a Romeo and Juliet balcony and death scene! We even had a standing ovation from the audience!"

Grizz wiped his tears and said, "I drove her home that night. I walked your Mom to the door and she invited me inside to meet her parents." 

"How old were you when you started dating mom?" Wyatt asked. "I was twenty years old, and your mom was fifteen," said Grizz. "You were dating a fifteen-year-old?! Are you crazy?!" Bradley cried.

"Well, that was your mother's fault. She lied about her age saying that she was eighteen and she lied to her parents that I was sixteen. When I told her parents the truth, she was grounded for a month, and I was forbidden to see her again."

"That's so sad, Daddy," said Eliza hugging Grizz. Grizz began to cry.

"You know, I think it would be nice if you have a good opportunity to get a little bit of everything from Mommy," said Crystal. "What are you talking about?" Grizz asked looking confused.

"What Crystal is trying to say is that if you want to have a happy relationship with Mommy, then you have to get up and go to her and say,

"I'm sorry...Um, what's Mom's full name?" asked April. "Michelle Elizabeth Bear," said Grizz. "She likes to be called Shelley."

"That's a pretty name! I'm sorry Shelley, please forgive me for hurting you. I was a fool! It was all my fault!" April said. "What do you think, Daddy?"

"I think that your Mom is not going to buy it, April," said Grizz.

"Dad, why is mom being stubborn? It was just a stupid punch bowl!" Dipper shouted.

"It's not just the punch bowl, Dipper," said Grizz. "I hit, abused, and viciously attacked your mother!"  Grizz went to the kitchen and began to make lunch. 

Twenty minutes later, as the cubs were eating lunch, Grizz received a message from Shelley that read:

I'm going to be home late.
Make sure the kids are fed.
There are chicken tenders in the freezer and a box of rice in the pantry. Try not to burn down the house.

Grizz's Furrytales by pandasgirls8 Where stories live. Discover now