💥😡prt 1 Class Fight

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take moment to appreciate pic

also where my melanie martinez fans at

Bakugou's Pov

"My name's is Y/n L/n and it is nice to meet you." she says as she smiled for the class to see.

The new girl is kinda pretty, not gonna lie. Seems like the annoying, extroverted type though.

She sits in her seat and everyone basically gangs up on her. I stay in my seat looking the other way, kinda not really caring what she was saying.

"Bakugou? Bakugou!" Ilda yells strenly.

I must have spaced out. "What is it, extra?!'' I yelled. "It's time for you to introduce yourself to Y/n." he said calm but firmly.

"Shut up, idiot!" I stood up and said with a blank face at Y/n, "I'm Katsuki Bakugou." and sit back down reminding to stare into space.

Y/ns Pov

Katsuki Bakugou.

That's that fine ass dudes name. One to remember.

After my first day "interrogation" was over, I ask Ashido what was wrong with Bakugou.He was looking rlly mad and irritated for some reason.

"Oh he's always like that. He aggressive and reckless too. Even so hes unarguably one of the smartest and strongest kids in the class." she looked at him a smirk as she talked.

She then smiled at me, spun around and said."But I think deep down he's a big ol softie. Just needs to open up, yk."

"Hmm, so he like that whole bad boy with a heart of gold trope." I told her with a laugh.

"Well think more angry boy but pretty much" as said as she started laughing too.

"You seem chill and super fun, want to hang out later?" Mina asked me. "I can't today. I have to unpack. Are you free on the weekend?" "No I can't go this weekend. Next Sunday maybe? She asks me. "That's fine with me." I tell her and we got ready for next period.

Best Friend Achieved👯

Back to bakugou

Why is the new girl asking raccoon eyes about me? If she was that curious, she could have asked me herself.

Why am I even worried about that new girl? It's not like she's anything special. She's just a transfer.

So why does she intrigue me so much?

Y/ns Pov

It's now time for lunch. Good because this bitch was hungryyy and forgot to bring snacks to eat during class.

I take a look around the cafeteria and wow.

Damnnn, y'all sure this a public school???

I mean it's super clean, the food looks super good, and everyones actually eating. I mean my old school could never.

I got some lunch and sat by myself not in the mood to be bothered. Just wanted to eat.

I nearly set up my lunch to eat and hot out my phone. Then I went ham on that poor food.

The best public school food in the planet. I had my doubts about this school but nevermind. I finish it in 2 minutes and 56 seconds. A personal school lunch record. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

After that, Mina and her friends ask me if they could sit next to me. I obviously said yes, and her and 4 other boys sat down. One stood out the most. Bakugou.

The boy with red hair said "Thanks for letting us sit here with you." "It's no big deal. You're name is Kirishima, right?" I say to him. "Yup and that's Demki and Sero." Bakugou was being rlly silent just eating his food.

"You're rlly pretty, Y/n." Denki says to me . I say back with a slight genuine smile. "Thank you, you're so nice. The key is a good daily routine."

Sero asks me "So what do you do for fun? So said in class you like to dance right?" "Yup. All types of styles, from Tap to Contemporary. But one of my favorites and the one Im definitely best at is ballet. Yup, starting doing that when I was 7."

"Oooo think you could show us some moves." Mina asks with a look of curiosity in her eyes. "I don't know, we're in the middle of the cafeteria." I tell her with a little nervous tone. "Oh are you chicken?" Denki tells me with a smirk on his face. "Bish what" I say while giving him a glare. "I said are you chicken?" he says again this time making me mad. "I'll show you who's chicken, boy." while getting up and mumbling some shit.

I know that its a trap but NO ONE can me chicken.

(Y'all ion know a thing about ballet so yes that do say what happened in the comments)

People stopped eating and stared in amazement. I could even see a hint of impression in Bakugou's eyes.

Then I do a curtesy and sit back in my seat. "So were you blown away?" I ask them. "Yes." the three of them say in unison. I take a drink and was about to swallow when Bakugou says this

"You can't beat me and that was shit." Bakugou says to me with a unsatisfied voice. "W-what?" I nearly choked on my water. "I said you're dancing is shit." He says taking another bite of his food.

And another thing NO ONE disrespects my dancing especially people who can't dance. Constructive criticism is ok but plain disrespect no.
And especially because he was impressed.

"Oh have you now, so what was that look of 'WOW' in your eyes?" I hiss with a smirk. "You dumbass! You must have been seeing things." he says to me with an angry face . "Oh I'm sorry. Don't want that vain in your neck to pop." I chuckle back.

We argued for a good 5 minutes. While we were arguing I just kept thinking, WOW what an arrogant asshole with obvious anger issues.

"Whatever." I say to everyone else. "It's not like I would ever like this sad excuse of a "hero in training" get to me." I look away in disgust.

Looks like I must have set the bomb off early cuz Bakugou stands up and comes charging at me. I get up too and start to dodge his explosions. "Aww is the baby mad?" I ask him with a laugh as I dodge him again. That's when Sero taped my mouth and legs to the ground and Bakugou's arms together and his legs to the ground too.

"Ok both of you, lunch is over and SHUT UP." Kirishima said to us. I muffle "ok ok" and give him a thumbs up. They untie us and I apologize to Bakugou. "I am kinda sorry i guess. I was just teasing you know." "Tch" he sucks his teeth and gives me a nod.

"Now that y'all are calmed down, we have to get to class and like now." Ashido says to us. And we rush on over to class.

Time Skip✨

School is finally out.

First Day Achieved🎒🏫

Before I started to walk home, I walk over to Bakugou who was right outside the entrance.

"Hellooooo." I say while batting my eyes and giving a flashing smile. "What do you want?" he says to me pretty coldy. "I just wanted to say bye to my new friend."
"Im not your fucking friend, dumbass." I gasp dramatically and say, "What! Of course I'm your friend. Oh your just salty because you couldn't get a hit on me."

I could see the anger in his eyes and I just started laughing. "What, bitch!" He looks at me even angrier. "It's nothing, it's just that you look so adorable when you're angry!"

"Do you have a death wish?!" He says to me while rasing his hand. While smiling cheekly I say "Maybe I do."

"Au revoir garçon en colère."
I tell him while truning toward home, waving my hand and then walking away. I love irritating this dude. He's so funny.

Bakugou Pov

Tf she say to me? Whatever, what a bitch. I roll my eyes and start walking home.

That meant bye angry boy btw

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