😡💥prt 2.5

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Y"'all don't have to really need to red this part just a little extra.

It was almost sunset and the girls headed home but I, I stayed for my ambush. Denki's not getting away that easy.

Bakugou had already left I think but no matter. I didn't need him for this.

The boys came out of the teahouse and it was time for my attack. I jumped on Denki's back and pushed him to the ground. I drag him to an alley.

"Tie him up please" I requested to Sero. "I don't thin-" "NOW! plz." I snap just a bit. "ok" he whispers kinda scared. "Thank you" I say to him with a smile. Sero ties him up. "Ooo kinky." Denki teases as I sat him on knees. "Shut up, though I do see it."

"Denki Im not going to hurt you. I love you like a good friend. Im just going to show you a little dance ok. The rest of you look away for a bit ok."

"Ohh a dance for just for me. Don't mind if I do." Denki says with a smirk as I roll my eyes.

It's really simple. Bend glide bend.

"Ok I'm done." The boys look at me specticaly and then Denki who has a weird look in his eyes.

"What's wrong with his eyes?" Kirishima aks me confused. "Oh he's hypnotized. He's fine.It will only be for a minute give or take."

"Now Denki I'm not going to hurt you. just some questions ok. I say smiling Are you scared of me?" "Yes." He answers quicky. "Good." I answer back.

"Do you consider me a friend". He says yes. "Aww thanks." I kiss him on the cheek. "Ok will you forgive for what I'm about to do? " He looks confused.
"Say pika pika please." I say holding in my laughter. I get out my phone and start recording.

"Pika Pika!" he exclaims loudly. Im dead. "Ok do you forgive me now?". "In the future I will but I'm embrassed right now."

"That's ok and times up." I say to him as I untaped him. His head goes down and comes back up as he opens his eyes. "Really, Y/n?" He says to me embarrassed as hell. "Yes. I did say there  would be conqucenses right.". "Yeah but like your fucking crazy!" He yells at me. "Only real reason I did it was so I could record saying pika pika." I say with a grin.

"Wowwww damn delete that nooo." "No" I say as I blow him a kiss.

The other two was just laughing. "Remind me not to get on your bad side." Kirishima says to me a little terrified. "Noted" I say back.

We got out of the alley and to the  street. "Wait why didn't Todoroki and Tokoyami not come? I thought they would. I asked them confused.

"They were busy doing something important." Sero tells me. "Oh ok, well I'm tired. Bye boys." I say before walking away."

"She scares me." Denki says as I walk. "Me too." Sero and Kirishima say at the same time.

Just a little short thing to read.

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