prt 4💥😡 Party Time

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I kiss Bakugou in the heat of the moment. His eyes get big and I quickly realized what Ive done. I push him away and say "Shit. shit shit shit, I'm so sorry. I should have asked you first. I'll go." I turn to walk away.

"Wait, you idiot!" I look back and see Bakugou blushing like a mf. He comes real close like a centimeter away from me. He whispers in my ear, "Don't go just yet." I giggle a bit. "Okkkk." I say little bit too happily.

He puts his arms on my cheeks and starts to kiss me. It was bliss. I (obviously) take the lead and it was amazing. I had to stop to get a chance to breathe.

"Who knew you could kiss well?" I say jokingly. "I could ask you the same thing." He quibs back. "Well I have an excuse. I dated someone so yeah, what's yours?" I tell him knowing I've won this argument. "Who THE FUCK would want to date you? Is he crazy or something?" He kinda looking disgusted and shocked.

I just honestly feel offended and say "First of all, didn't you just kiss me back like right now and secondly she wasn't crazy. No thats all me babe."


He looks at me with his clueless face. I giggle "I know you must be shook right now but yes sir I am pansexual."

Then I start getting sarcastic, "But don't you worry baby I still live for you and you alone. Even through all your constant yelling and obvious anger issues because ture love always prevails." I bat my eyes and clasp my hands to my face like a lovesick girl. His eyes go white and he starts shouting and I just laugh.

I check the time on my phone and grab my shopping bags and tell him, "Well that was really fun. Lowkey super hot too, but alas it's time for my departure. Or to simplify I have to go g o gooo." He starts getting mad again and shouts "Shut your mouth, bitch!". "Nahh I'm good." I get a text from my mom saying she's at the mall to pick me up. "Like I said I got to go." I go to him and kiss him on the cheek. I whisper in his ear "You're welcome for the earrings and shoes by the way, Katsuki."

"And don't worry about the promises, I'm good for it." I walk away and run to the entrance of the mall.

I see my mother's car and get in. "Hi, (n/n). How was today?" She asks me as we drive away from the mall. "It was really fun. Like actually fun." I say while smiling. She smiles back and says "That's good, I'm glad your making new friends." I nod and tell her "Me too."

The next day

Bakugous Pov

Im walking to school right now and I see y/n. This isn't the first time either. Last Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I saw her too. She would wave at me and smile and go about her day.

But today, she saw me and just looked away. Did this bitch just ignore me? Why didn't see wave at me?

Thoughtout the day, she would ignore me, no teasing, no fighting with me. She would talk to everyone else but me. Like I wasn't even there.

But you know, I don't care what that damn stripper thinks anyways. Whatever.

Later that day✨
no one's Pov

Bakugou sits in his usual place with the usual people (like y/n) at lunch like he does everyday.

"Hey Bakugou, there's something different about you today." Kirishima questions before he continues to eat his food.

"What was that, Shitty Hair!" Bakugou shouted with white eyes.

"Ooo I know!" Mina exclaimed out while examining him. "You got your ears pierced." She tells to everyone with a awed expression.

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