part 5💥😡 Maria

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I quickly hid behind Jade and stayed there.

I know that I made that stupid promise and I always keep my word. But part of me just wants to be with him and the other really doesn't want to deal with this.

Jade looks behind her and complaind "Girl get off me." I plead to her pouting "Whyyyyy and oh Hiraku's here." Her face lights up and she runs over to look over the ledge making me fall. She waves at her friend smiling hard and he waves back the same. I get up from the floor and mutter "Bitc- "

I get interpreted by the sound of my mom's voice shouting. "Welcome everyone to my daughter Jade's 10th birthday party." I quickly rush over to my mother and everyone is looking at us, including him. Our eyes meet and I quickly look away.

"Here is the birthday girl, my daughter Jade." Jade softens as she walks slowly down the stairs all eyes on her. Her jade tiara sparkling with the light and sweet smile captivating everyone that saw it. When she got to the bottom, she did a little playful spin and a curtsy.

Everyone was clapping for her and then my mom says with a soft smile "The party has now started. The chairs and tables are outisde in the backyard and the food will be out shortly."

Just like that everyone headed outside. Everyone expect, me, my mom, Jade, my grandmother, Hiraku, and Bakugou.

Me and my mom headed down the stairs, me with my head down, to greet my grandmother. "Hello Cecilia." My mom grinned to my grandmother as she hugs her. "Hello Diane." She says back. "Hi Gran Gran." Me and Jade say at the same time before rushing to hug her. "Hello my baby's. I missed y'all." Grandmother grinned.

We broke the hug and she looks down at Jade and wished her a very happy birthday. "Thanks, Gran Gran."

"Where's your father?" She asks me with an critical expression on her face. My mother intervenes and said that he was in the kitchen as they both head over there.

And then there were 4...

Jade and Hiraku rushes over to each other and hug one other. I smile looking at my sister who looks so pretty and happy. "Hey Hikaru. How you been?" I ask. "Great, Y/n. Can me and Jade go now?" I nod and smile. What a nice and respectful boy. He turns to Bakugou and tells him "I'll meet you later, cousin."

I freeze in shook causing me to be stuck in a smile. Cousin??? Actually that makes so much sense. I think to myself.

Hiraku and Jade then run outside where everyone's at.

And then they were 2...

Me and Bakugou stand there in front of each other with our heads down. I finally break the tension by saying "Hey Bakug-" I get interpreted by the sound of the door opening.

That's weird everyone who was invited plus thier plus ones is here.

When I look at the entrance, my eyes go wide as I see her.

A girl with tan skin, short straight jet black hair with hazel highlights, beautiful brown eyes, and a golden nose ring wearing a pink dress and some white wedges.

"Ria?!" I cheer with a smile as big as the sun. That is my best friend (and not so brief ex) Maria Santana or Ria for short.

"Heyyy, y/n! Suprise!!!" She runs to me with a welcoming expression and hugs me tightly. "What are you doing here?!" I exclaim still shocked. She breaks away from the hug and holds my hands looking at me ecstatically. "Well, you know how I every summer I visit my aunt who lives in the Kyoto prefecture?" I nod my head frantically. "Well, I decided to visit you first before I go."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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