💥😡prt 2 Piping Hot

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Y/n's Pov

"Im home, everyone!" My little sister comes up to me and gives me a big hug. "Hey Jay." I chuckle to her with a comforting smile.

"How was your first day?" she asked me. "Pretty good, I made a friend, got into a "fight" you know the usual." I said with a giggle. "You always get into fights." She said to me with a disapproving tone "I know I know." I said looking like a puppy that just did something wrong.

"You know, you're just like mom.". I say to her. "Nah thats all you." She assures back laughing. "Speaking of which, where are our parents?"

"They went out to buy "groceries"." she tells me as she went back on her laptop. "Oh." I sigh sadly and go up stairs.

By "groceries" she means my parents went somewhere they didn't want to take us. They'll come back late late at night with leftovers from fancy restaurants. The thing I hate is I can't have any.

I go to my room, take a shower, and get changed into a oversized orange tee and some black sweatpants.

Then I get to work with my homework. I didn't want to be behind on my first fucking day. Im very proud of myself right now.

Half way, I see my phone go off. A group chat with Mina, Sero, Denki, Kirishima, and Bakugou

  p i n k y🌸, t a p e y📼, and 3 others

p i n k y🌸
haiiiii y'all😝

a p e y📼
hey pplss

c h a r g e y⚡
wassup dudes

h a r d y 🗿
hey everyone🤗
                                           m e
                                           hillo lovelys
p i n k y🌸
so I had made this gc
so that we can talk with
y/n and stuff.

everyone but b o o m y💥

p i n k y
me and y/n are going
to the mall on Sunday
y'all want to come to

                                        yea come with us
everyone but boomy💥
Yea it will be fun
and varies answers

                                     I gtg talk later ✌️

b o o m y💥 and 5 other saw this

I put my phone on silent and let them talk cuz ik how group chats get. I can't with the spamming right now.

I finish with the rest of my homework and then go downstairs. My sister fell asleep on the couch so I carry her heavy ass to her room.

I drop her gently on her bed and just sit. I look outside her bedroom window. The sun looks as if it's dancing with the sky to make a beautiful landscape. The cotton candy clouds, pastel purple sky, and the striking orange dot in the middle of it all.

It's a perfect landscape.

Sunsets were one of my favorite parts of day. Clique right?


The week was full of learning, homework and making new friends.

Im friendly with all the girls and friends with my bestie Ashido, and the other girls Yaomomo, Jiro and Hagakure.

As for boys, they all my dudes except a certain purple headed midget. I've got to really be friends with all the boys from the Bakusquad(even Bakugou won't admit it), thy who produced shonen protagonist vibes Midoriya, Todoroki and Tokoyami.

Right now it's before homeroom and my girls and Im just chilling getting ready for class.

Momo brings the idea of us girls going to a teahouse for a bit after school. I've never been so obviously I say yes and everyone else does too.

That's when some of the boys enter the classroom. Kaminari hears us talking and says "Can we come too?" as he points to all the boys and himself.

The girls all shake their heads to the side. "Hell no, pikachu." I say as I look him up and down. "This is a girls thing. Besides we hanging out on Sunday anyways. So go and hang out with your boys alright."

"Come on, don't be like that." he says while pouting. I bend down and come in really really close next to him, stare at him, and slowly whisper "No." and blow this ear after. His whole face turns bright red and stutters "W-wow ok."

"And if you come, there might be consequences ok." I say while giggling.

The other boys was looking shocked but I was focused on Bakugous face. It was so unbothered and I loved it.

"Well now that that's out of the way, let's get to our seats. Schools about to start." I tell everyone and we start our day of educational learning. Yayyyy.
.... Time Skip ✨

It's after school and me, Yaomomo, Jiro, Hagakure, and Ashido are heading to the teahouse that Momo knows.

"You must really love tea, Momo." I commented looking at her with a smile. Her face lit up in the mention of tea. "Yes,  I absolutely adore tea..." And she went on and on about different kinds of tea. I was actually very interested because of my lack of knowledge.

We get to the teahouse and it is super nice and just a bit boujee. The the lightsmells is what I love most though. We sit on a table for 5 and order our tea. I got some matcha tea and a cookie. Mina got chai, Momo got green, Jiro also got green and Hagakure got black.

"This tea is really good." I say when Bakugou, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero walk into the cafe.

I look at them and my eyes directly go to Kaminari glaring at him. I looks at me scared for his life(as he should) and quickly turns away. They sit next in a table close to us, close enough to hear us, and order their tea.

I wasnt going to say everything cuz I respect Momo too much but when we get out. It'll be an ambush.

"As I was saying, this is really good tea. It's way better than the stuff in the bag." I say to the girls. "Right!" Mina says. "Thanks for showing us this place Yaomomo" Hagakure says. Yaomomo starts blushing slightly and smiling and says "N-no it's no problem." Soooo cute I thought.

We got done with our tea and Mina asks "Soooooo y'all girls like anyone?" asks with a smile. "Chile, y'all only 2 weeks into the year and I got here on Monday and plus this is a teahouse not a sleepover." I tell her while laughing. "So you ever know..." She says looking at pretending to spill some tea.

"I for one don't like everyone" Momo says. "Me too." Jiro says. "You sure?"
She starts blushing and says "What fo you need by that?" I shrug and tell her "Nothing." before eating a cookie.

Hagakure giggles and says "What bout you Y/n?" I look at her with my arms crossed saying "What about me?"
"Who do you like?." she says to me. "Like I said I came here on Monday. Who could I like?"

"I don't know, mayyybe Bakugou." Mina says to me. I start laughing and I mean LAUGHING " Bakugou no ha no no no no NO. And idc if he can hear me NO.''

"Whatever you say, Y/n." She taunted while drinking some tea

Bakugou's Pov

Why tf am I here. Oh right, Denki fucking dragged me here. I going to beat his ass.

We sit down close to the girls and order our tea. While we were waiting there, we here the girls talking about who they like. Pretty damn girly if you ask me.

It's all whatever until they mention my name. "Bakugou no ha no no no NO and idc that he can hear me NO."
I heard her say and I nod in approval.
I don't like that crazy bitch.

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