prt 3 Get in Losers😡💥

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pic appreciation time


Today is Sunday.
It's time to go shopping.

I texted Mina and she said to meet her there at 12am so we could shop all day.

I do my whole daily routine and put on my fit. Some navy blue baggy jeans with a white cropped tank top, white air force ones, and an oversized dark blue and white baseball jersey on top.

A mix of this

A mix of this

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And this

But y'all can wear whatevea

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But y'all can wear whatevea

After I put on my fit, it was makeup time. I really just have the basics. I put a little blush, mascara, highlighter, brushed my eyebrows with clear mascara, and put on some lip gloss.

Now it's time to do my hair. (Do whatever you'd like sis from 1a to 4c)

Then I get to accessories. I wear a belt on my jeans, put in some medium hoops and put a gold necklace.

Im ready. I get my phone and bag from my bed, stuff all my money and other essentials in my bag and head downstairs.

My sister's still asleep and my parents are eating breakfast. "Y/n, you look so cute!" My mom says to me. "Don't be out too late ok." my dad says. "Of course I won't. It's like 12am, come on." "We better get going, don't want her to be late to hang her friends." My mom giggles.

My mom drives me there and tells me "Be safe, I love you." as I exit the car. I smile and say "I love you too Mom." as I go back and hug her. "Byeeeee!" she yells as she drives away.

Looks like I'm the first one here. I find a good waiting spot at the entrance and then I get a call from Mina. Saying she can't make it. Then a text from Sero then Denki then Kirishima.

Wowwww they really left me here alone. Funnn.

That's when I feel someone over me. I left my head up. "Bakugou?". "What, bitch?" he says as he looks over me. "I thought you weren't coming too." " What do you mean too?". I roll my eyes before saying "The others aren't coming." and stand up to get a good look at him.

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