Chapter 3 -- Interrupted --

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❀❀ 3rd person POV


A loud scream, that makes the crowd turn around and some panic. The H/C quickly turn around and pause the commotion happening. She run to where the scream happened and found a women crying.

❀❀ Y/N POV

I asked the frightening women what's wrong. She responded while she pointed ahead north. "T-thief! He grabbed m-my basket!". I gritted my teeth as i quickly run where the crying women pointed to where the theif had gone. I had seen a shadow ahaid of me, i narrowed my eyes to see if he was the man with a basket. '𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑎!'.

I had finally caught up with the man whom i was chasing. I knew the he notice me running after him. He turned around trying to make me lost sight of him but it only ends with the Dead End.

"Alrighty, I'm gonna be nice and let you go just give me the basket you have stolen." I tried to explain to him as clear as i could but, my explanation just only make him grabbed out a knife inside his left pocket."Go away, or you'll be sleeping forever!" He pointed the knife to me as he was ready to kill me off. I frowned my eyebrows thinking what the hell that means, i just smile it off thinking he was just threatening me with nonsense words coming out of his shitty mouth.

I raised both of my hand, "I don't know what the fuck you're saying but just cooperate with me, i would not do anything to you just hand me the basket and the knife." I slowly step in to where the man is. "Stop where you are right now! Or im gonna use this knife to stop you from stepping in and you'll be sleeping forever! I warned you!" the man shouts with his mouth wide open. Looking serious about it.

I walk forward slowly again "What are you talking about?" I frowned my eyebrows again.

I heard some steps coming behind me. "𝗬/𝗡!"

HELLO! Hi yeah hehehe i know this chapter is soooo short yeah it's only 344 words so i pay you back by making the next chapter a lil longer. Im sorry if you don't like the story I'm not that good at English and Writing such things, but im doing this for fun and for my own as well.

Eleutheromania -- Levi Ackerman x Reader --Where stories live. Discover now