Chapter 1 -- Meeting--

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Idk y people read this until now, it had a lot of cringe scene and I, myself, don't want to read if I were also the reader, but I'm not... anywho, continue and just embrace it since you clicked to read this story. Tood-a-loo!

❀❀ Your POV

I continued walking in the hallways which was scary because it was hella quiet in here. I flinched as i heard loud stump behind me,i turned around to see where that noise coming from. But it was the one and only Hanji .

"Y/N!" Hanji shouts as she put her right hand on my shoulder. "Hi Hanji!" I quickly responded as i smile back to her.

"Are you going to Erwin as well?" she said while putting her right hand away from me. "Hell yeah!" i said as put up both of my hands into a fist like i was fighting Hanji in a boxing challenge. 

"Let's walk together,then!"saying that while putting her right hand against my left hand as we walk away from the creepy hallways.

❀❀ Flashback

As soon as i was finished putting my uniform on and was ready for training there was a knock in my door. "Who is it?" as i walk to my door.

"Miss Y/N, Commander Erwin requested you to be in his office after lunch." the cadet says.

I opened my door to see a cadet holding papers around it's chest ."Do you know why he called me to come there later?" i asked as i tilted my head to the cadet."I think it's because some people requested if they can interview some of the soldier including you,Miss Y/N"

"Can i know who else will be attending in Erwin request?" i said as she handed me the papers she's been carrying to me. I gladly accepted it and and look down to see what's written on the papers.

I widened my eyes a little as soon as i noticed that this paper has all the names who will be participating in it. my eyes first laid on the name Levi,

'Of course they want Levi to be there, he's the Humanities Strongest Soldier.'

I handed the papers to cadet who seems waiting for me and the list so she can move forward."Alright, I'll be there" i smiled again to the cadet as she smile back to me.

"I'll be taking my leave Miss Y/N, good luck!" she said as he walked away from my door.


We were in front of Erwin's door. Hanji knocked the door twice and waited to hear if there were any reply coming from the other side of the door.

"Who is it?" a shout come in that sounds like Erwin.

"Eyebrows! It's Hanji and Y/N we have arrived!" she shout back to Erwin like she was barking to another dog. "Come in" a reply barks back as Hanji tries to reach the knob of the door and opened it to see soldiers including Erwin and Levi.

I walk in to take a step in Erwin's office feeling eyes shooting at me."Alright, we're finally all here" Erwin announced looking to me and Hanji.

"Wait, we're last?" I said as i point my finger to me."Unfortunately, yes both of you."

I widened me eyes to notice that they are already here. "Erwin, just discuss what it is. I don't wanna waste my time on chatting." Levi says as he continued laying his back to the wall.

"So,i think you all know why we gathered here,right?",

"Hell yeah we're doing it!" Hanji responded as she put both of her hands to her waist."Shut up you shit, I'm not coming." Levi says closing his eyes.

"Why not!?" Hanji rage to Levi as she was gonna attack him."Cause it will be just a waste of time of mine. Again."

Levi announced and it seems that it signals me to do something about it. "And it's not my job to answer some shit,right?" he continued that made me realized i hated it. I take steps to move in front to Levi.

I closed both of my eyes and smile as i tilted my head to the left direction and said...

"Levi,The Humanity's Strongest Soldier comes to afraid people asking him question." i opened my eyes not dropping my smile as i opened my mouth and said "You'll come right?"

People tell me that I'm super scary when I'm serious to whom i am talking to. They shivered if they see me like this looking like i can kill them in one wrong move. Some of them says that my eyes are deadly while smiling.

I continued staring at Levi as he stared me back with his gray eyes. I noticed that he sighed and opened his mouth

"If I said I'm not gonna answer with the shitty question they're gonna asked me I'm not answering it." I feel victory in the air.

"Yep, don't worry Levi I'll protect you!" as i put my arms behind my back. "I don't need your protection and L/N, you need to respect to who is in front of you cadet."

He says while putting his head up a little to show that he was irritated of me."I cannot keep promises Levi,and you do know that if i accept the same position as you are right now you might be respecting me more, yeah?" I said as i raised one of my eyebrows to him.

"Can't do that",

"Then you're same as me then" I smiled back to him again.

I turned around to see some soldier eyes wide open like they have just seen some wild fight."Then it's clear all of us will be coming to the interview."

I turned my head to my right side to see Erwin looking at me. "Sorry Erwin for the interrupting but is that all?" I asked as he nod his head "Yes that will be all,you all will be leaving tommorow at 10 in the morning you are all dismissed."

Erwin announced that signals that we can leave now. I walked out to see i was one of the first soldier to walked out.

'Ah, once again I survived and won the argument between me and Levi.'

Eleutheromania -- Levi Ackerman x Reader --Where stories live. Discover now