Chapter 16 --Partner--

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AN: again.. credits to the people who owned the pictures that will shown later on this chapter..

❀❀ Levi's POV

"Ah.. sir Levi."


"Do you want to try something on? I have the perfect outfit for you." The daughter of ....... hungrily offers me.
I signals my hand to decline her suggestion. She narrowed her eyes as she walkes around. Silently taking something on her bag.

"Ari!" A voice called on the other side of wall. "Y-Y/N?!" She nervously says.

"C-come here! What the heck are this outfits?!"

"My designs!"

A grunt was all hear from her taking it as defeat. "You all want me to wear this!?" She question to the crowd. Cadets started laughing and can't help but to smile. "Ungrateful childs.." Y/N mumbled.

After a long time, Y/N finally decided to come out. Wearing a long blue dress. It's a shoulder top so it expose her clavicle on both sides. She wears a low ponytail since earlier. My breath nearly stopped as I stared at her.

Face puzzled. Reddened cheeks. Wide eyes. Twicthing lips... She sigh slowly as she process things.

She bit her bottom lip making me widened my eyes

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She bit her bottom lip making me widened my eyes. She quickly to notice me while she looks at me. Her cheeks turned into a light blush while her eyebrows flinched.


"Y/N, it suits you!!"

"Her skills is amazing.. as well as her beauty."

"Boys, close your eyes you might fall in love!"

"Isn't Halloween supposed to be scary?!"

"Yeah.. now is a pageant."

"Huhuhu I wish I had one of Miss Y/N's characteristics.."

"Wohoo!! Let's make a pageant contest!"

The crowds started going wild, praising Y/N because of her beauty. My mind was on the other side that I didn't notice Y/N was already in front of me while smirking.

"How about Levi?" She said.

"What about me?" I asked. Her smirks grow more, putting her right hand to my shoulder. A smile played on Y/N's face "Won't you praise me?"

"Why would I?"

"Oh. You won't."

"I won't." I strictly said. She looked down once and her head moved to my ear whispering something..

Eleutheromania -- Levi Ackerman x Reader --Where stories live. Discover now