Chapter 22 --Father--

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ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴘɪᴄ ᴏғ ʟᴇᴠɪ, ᴏᴜʀ ʜᴜsʙᴀɴᴅᴅᴅ

"Erwin!" I slammed the door to Erwin's office, spotting him writing on some bunch of papers. He immediately stopped after my sudden burst. He sigh, putting down his pen. "Y/N, great to see you recovered."

"Good morning to you eyebrows." You greeted back mix with his famous nickname. "Brat, get out of the way." A voice echo from behind me making my head slowly turning around, already knowing who it was. "Morning to you too." I met the man who had the only black hair styled with an undercut.

I walk forward, siding to the left to make way for him like a King with me being a peasant. Well fuck him.

"Erwin , I need to talk about something." Levi said. Marching to Erwin and completely ignoring me. Both of his hand slam on the wooden table. "Of course. Y/N, I'll call you later." Giving me a small smile the looking back to Levi. I rolled my eyes, being impatient with my question. "Did someone saw anyone break the windows?" I quickly ask.

He turn his head back again to me. Levi face me with half of his face and his eyes on the corner on the left side, which I was position right now. "As far as I know, No one knew what happened to the broken window." He stated. 'Fuck.' I cursed under my breath, not gaining any information.

"Ok thank you, Eyebrows." I quickly turn around. Marching straight out of the room with I closed the door. I walk fast around the hallways, trying to get some information. "Oh! Miss Y/N!" A voice called out behind me.

"What are you doing here?! Are you alright now?" Lyra keep bursting question at me. I turned my head to her, waving my hand on between us. "Lyra, I'm busy right now. Can we talk later?" She tilted her head but still nodded. "O-ok, make sure to rest after.. whatever you're doing." As she smiled at me, I smile back at her as well. "Good luck with the training , Lyra."

I turned around, continued to what I'm doing. I had fastened my pace almost as I was running.


I found absolutely nothing.

I investigate the outside as well but, nothing really pops out. It was now almost 6:30 pm, cadets now gathered on the messy hall while I was in my room. I was sitting on my chair with a table. My hands were on my hair, closing my eyes slowly and sighing in disappointment.

"You better come out tonight." Talking to nothing but the air surrounding my room. A knock came outside. I jolted to stand up and hurrying to go to door. "Y/N!"

The familiar voice on the other side was Hanji. I sigh thinking it was my visitor. I slowly twisted the knob of the door and opening it wide enough. "Y/N! Y/N! It's dinner, let's go!" She said while her both hand was curled into a fist. "Ah, about that. I'm not quite hungry yet.."

Her hands were slowly drifting down. "Well.. suit yourself then Y/N. But, if your tummy is noisy. Come eat, alright?" I nodded, she waved me goodbye after walking away from my room. Looking down to the floor as I lean on the door.

"What are you doing there?"

A stoic came to talk me, my eyes still remained on the floor. "Standing.." I lazily answered him. He click his tongue at me. I saw him peaking on the inside of my room, taking the chance to look at him. "Your room is dirty."

"Levi, I'm too weak to clean it. Can you?" I requested him. He ignored me and passing me by pushing me back in my room. His eyes were on the floor, bending down to pick something. My eyes were followed to his doing, I saw that he picked up a paper.

"Laying on the ground.. how dirty. What is this, Y/N?" He flipped it over to look at the back side. I saw a glimpse of a handwritten marked on the paper. "It looks like it's a letter." My breath hitched when he mentioned that it's a letter. I don't remember tossing any paper on the floor.

My body move on it's own, snatching the paper off Levi's gesture. He raised an eyebrow at my sudden movement. "Is it yours?" He asked.

A strand of my hair slide on my face while my head was looking down. I tucked it in my ear as I opened the letter, ignoring Levi.

Dear Y/N L/N,

It's nice writing a letter to you again. I made sure that one of my man that send you this letter doesn't identify it self to you...

I forgot to ask you if you ever seen your Father. The man who had just escape my hand like a sand. Me and your Father made a deal about something, that was involving you.

Y/N L/N, would you cooperate with me?



I slightly frown my brows, sliding the second paper on my pocket. Looking back up made me flinch, he was giving me death glares. I smile at him as I put both of my hand on his shoulder. "Levi.. Levi Ackerman? It's quite late now. Let your mind relax and sleep, ok?" I tried to change the subject.

"No." He shortly replied. His eyes is captivated at the paper, I slowly sliding in the paper to my pocket. He then look at me. "What's that?" He asked. I turned him down, putting all of my strength on my arms to push him out. "Nothing, just a rubbish."

Instead of pushing him, he walked by himself to the door. He glance at me one last time, I unknowingly waved at him and he walk far away. I sigh heavily thinking that I've been holding my breath for a long time.

I closed my door, avoiding anyone to greet me. Marching back to my seat as I take out the two papers I received from the unknown man, reading them again.

"My Father, eh..?"

ғɪɴɪsʜᴇᴅ : ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 22, 2020
ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜ: ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 23, 2020

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