Farewell Letters

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey! Let me clear this. This chapter is all about the letters that Y/N made when she's going away.

By: Y/N

To: My Bestest Friend, Hanji

Hey! Is your arm okay? Are you okay? You have to be okay. If not... god I don't know what to with you. Heh, please don't be mad at me, I'll cry, hahaha! You see, I really had to. I needed to. Promise me please that you'll take care of Levi. Scold him whenever you see him working at like 3 in the morning.

Also, please clean your office. Levi and I will get mad! Papers were all over the floor the last time I came there, hahaha! And sorry, I didn't made you my wife. But I still wanted tho,

I wanted to tell you this because I didn't have the chance to because I rarely seen you being serious so.. I'm sorry. It's alright if you won't forgive me, I deserve it anyway. I'm really sorry.

Love you.

Your idiot friend, Y/N

To: Eyebrow God, Erwin

Sup! So I escape from the paperworks you've been handing me and I have no choice but to do it or else I'll made your brows mad. I really am attracted to your golden brows like, holy cow!

Had you know that I was speechless the time I first saw you. My jaw dropped! Really! I was like, oh wow. Just wow, Erwin. Just in wow.

Wanted to thank you that I'm always safe because you said so, hahaha! Thank you for letting me side sometimes when I don't obey your orders, Commander Erwin Smith.

I always like you being observant to me, now you don't have to be worry. Because there are now no one who's not listening to you. Thank you!

The cadet that was supposed to be a captain, Y/N

To: The sister I've always wanted, Lyra

I'll miss you, ya know! I wish I could hug you right now and we would lay down on the grass and talk about our day. Ah.. I'll miss those old days. I need you to understand why I did it, okay?

I wanted to meet you right now. But I can't say hello to you and risk another goodbye. Keep flying, Lyra. Fly without me being with your side. Fly until you reach and achieved your dreams.

Also don't force people into your life. The right one will come and will love you even in your worst.

Thank you for being with my side and part of my life, I hope you'll forgive me.

Your sister, Y/N

To: My Captain, Levi

I love you.

Wish I could say that to you straight to your face.

I also hate you for everything you've done to me when we were not yet close. You always fight me even if there are no reason to, but I ended up winning tho, hahaha!

I'm embarrassed on saying this but, you're so cool on killing titans. I secretly adored you back then, ya know. It was so disgusting like I was about to vomit the way everytime I think of you back then. It was torture for me, you fuckin midget.

But I love you.

Such a waste that I kissed your goddamn lips just once.

I'm sorry for not telling you about this. I guess I'm hiding it? Yup. Sorry, heh. By the way, I stole one of your books. Your mad, so why not add some more of it?

We might've ended up like this, but I'll see you when I'm ready. I may write the next chapter with you, promise me that you will also write yours. And when we meet again, I'll write all the memories we gained.

You made me who I am today and now's the time that you help someone else. Find someone while I'm gone, Levi. Let's end our story for now, till we can write our story with another.

Let's just keep on walking but this time, we have to go to our own separate ways.

It has been a great moment with you, enjoy your journey without me.

Your Cadet, Y/N

Written: March 19, 2021

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