Chapter 21 -- Glass --

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"How idiot of you, brat"

I scratch the back of my neck using my left hand. I chuckle a almost silently due to my nervousness. I swear I didn't felt any pain since the time we got here. But they told me, I lost unconscious while heading back to my room.

"Well... Oh look at the time, I need to get some sleep. Bye captain."

I lay down fast at the clinic's bed sheet, pulling back my two legs hanging on the bed. I slowly haul the two of them, they were seriously aching. Adjusting myself to a more comfortable position on the white bed sheet.

"It's painful, isn't it?" Levi suddenly pops out. My head swiftly turning around to the man, I was so focused on my body that I didn't even notice Levi heading to me. "I-it is.." i confirmed. I heard a slight of tsk coming out of Levi's mouth.

He turned around to grab the nearest chair, placing it beside to the bed. Taking a seat to the wooden chair as he then look at me. "Can I hear something?" He ask. I slightly fuse my eyebrows in confusion. "That is?"

He then started studying my face, it almost look like he was searching for some missing piece. "Had happen back there. Who's this lady you're talking about?" My eyes slowly look down, not wanting to recall that had happened. "Oh ya know, some stuff.."

He click his tongue in annoyance, crossing his two arms as usual. "Can you be serious right now, Cadet Y/N?" Closing my eyes as I desire for a quite slumber away from all the scenes that had happen. "Levi, I'm tired. Let's talk another time." I completely ditch him. I turn my body the other side, almost burying the half of my face .

"I'm gonna sleep.." with that, my face became more relaxing and my mind became blank.


I shot myself to wake up from a loud crash happened at the outside of the room. I stand up while holding the table beside me for support. The thing that was only with me was the light of the moon, rummaging inside the room. Some of the part of my body that was throbbing so hard earlier was now healed.

I guide myself to the wooden door. Slowly opening by turning around the knob of the door. The wind was the first to meet me after I open the door. Frowning my brows as I spotted a some window glass on the floor. I swiftly shot my eyes to my left side, expecting some broken windows. Then there it was, some broken windows.

Suddenly a piece of cloth enclosed my open mouth. An arm wrapped around my neck. I acted fast to get rid of the unknown arm off of my neck. I then notice the smell of the familiar scent, making my vision blurry. Seeing nothing but black, confirmed that I was drugged.


I wake up with a heavy headache. I sat up with my hand on my head trying to calm my head from all of the spinning. Looking around to see I was still on my bed and in the Headquarters. I scowl at the room around me. I tried to recall what happened to me last night, clearly remembering the broken glass on the floor and that I was drugged.

But I doubt that I will be in a different place, that I will be kidnapped by someone. A piece of paper flew to the door. I stand up to pick up the paper that flew from somewhere.

Instead my headache started to act up again but I maintain to calm down in time. Marching to door as I pick up the paper. It was folded in half with a black droplets of ink in front. Opening it slowly as I glare it with suspicion.

Dear Y/N L/N,

Greetings Y/N. How are you these days? I apologize what had happened to you last night, I had to do it. Just a few more nights and we will be seeing each other, don't be excited. I will continue sending you letters and I hope I receive any back from you...

I'm a friend of your dear father. I haven't seen his daughter for a while and I want to see how much you've grown. I'll inform you when we will meet, Y/N L/N.



The paper begun to have wrinkles all over it. I shove it to the pocket of my pants the walking out of the room.
"Oh! Y/N, you can't come yet!" Suddenly a woman with a dark brown hair, tied up in a high ponytail and with such a goggles.

"Hanji.." I said. Hanji tilted her head with a small small on her mouth. I look at the left side, just as I spotted the window broken.

"Oh right! The window is broken. I'm still investigating what happened here.. No cadets would dare to broke this, right?" She said while she scratch her head in confusion. I slid my hand on the pocket where the paper is as I nodded to Hanji.

"Glad your ok, Y/N.. But somehow your face is saying different?"

"How come?" I ask.

"I don't know." As she put up her both arm in the air. I gave Hanji a small smile, I walk pass her as I wave goodbye to her. "Good luck Hanji, I'll be in Erwin's office if ya need me.." I continued walking down the halls. I heard Hanji said a soft ok as I fastened my marching to Erwin.

''Oh, I would love to meet you as well.''

sᴏᴜɴᴅs ᴄʀᴀᴘᴘʏ..

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