Ch 2- New home

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"Oh your a dentist.." I say shyly

"Yea quite a good one, been 3 years since I became qualified" Daniel said

I stayed silent

"Is something wrong?" He asks

"No not at all" I say

"Have you ever been to a dentist your 8 years old, please tell me you have" Daniel says

"I..I don't think I have my parents never took me, the orphanage only takes you if it's an emergency" I say

"You are supposed to go every 6 months" he says

We pull into a driveway of a house probably his house he then parks in the garage.
We get out and Daniel helps carry my bags inside the house, it was a nice house. I also take my shoes off so I don't get any dirt on his floors
He showed me to my room and set my stuff on the bed.
"This is your room" he says and smiles
"This is pretty nice" I say and began looking around
The walls were light gray, some colorful curtains a tv, a laptop on the desk, a nice polka dot bed set and so much more I even had my own bathroom.
I start to unpack and put my toothbrush and stuff in the bathroom.
I hung my very few clothes I had.
"You don't have many clothes" Daniel said in a concerned way
"Miss. Sophia only gave us a little bit for clothes, she usually let's us go to Walmart to do our clothes shopping" I say

"Walmart barely has cute clothes" he chuckles

"I know right" I laugh

"Finish unpacking I'll go cook dinner, anything you want?" He ask

"I don't care what you make I like anything" I giggle.

"Okie dokie" he says and leaves my room and goes downstairs to began to cook dinner

I look around my room and there was even a bookshelf full of books, like chapter books I will read.
I grabbed a book called 'the fault in our stars' and sat on my bed and start reading it.
20 minutes later I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in" I say
Daniel opens the door "hey sweetheart dinner is done"
I got up and head downstairs there sat two plates filled with mouth watering chicken Alfredo.
"Oh my god I love chicken Alfredo!" I exclaimed and took a seat at one of the chairs.

Daniel sits across from me. "Go ahead and start eating"
I began eating oh my god it was so good!

"So how do you like your new room?" He asks

"I love it! It's so much better then the orphanage" I giggle

"I bet" he chuckles

"So um.. I know you have never went to the dentist before.." he says

"Yea.. so?" I question

"Well.. to be honest you kind of need to go to make sure your teeth are fine" he says sadly

"Is it scary there?" I say

"No not at all I'll have you comfortable" he says

"I'm not sure yet" I say

"Well.. I want to take you tomorrow.. we could go to the mall after" he says

"The mall?" I say

"Yea" he says

"Ooh Yea I want to go to the mall" I exclaim

"After your checkup" he says

"Okay fine" I say and finish my food and get up go to the sink and began washing my dish.

Daniel got up. "Oh, you didn't have to do that I would of" he says

"Miss Sophia always made us do dishes" I say

"Oh" he said

I finish washing my dish, drying it and put it away.

I go upstairs and I decide to take a shower and put some pajamas on brush my teeth and sit in bed and watched some tv on my new tv.
I eventually fell asleep. I guess Daniel turned my tv off in the middle of the night because I heard him come in.

The next morning I woke up to Daniel shaking my shoulder.

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