Ch 5- the mall

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After the appointment we get in the car and we drive to the mall... it was quite a drive because we were in a small town and there was no mall in our small town.. we have to drive half an hour to get to the mall in the next town over.

We were driving and jamming out to music.. nickel back to be exact they have awesome music.

We arrive to the mall half hour later and parked in the parking garage...

"I don't have any money" I mention

"Don't worry about that I got you, you need stuff more clothes and other things" he said

We got inside and there was so many stores and even a food court.

We went shopping and went to many stores. I got a lot of clothes... and other things even a bit of makeup and body spray and stuff.

We shopped for a few hours before getting lunch at the food court and it was really good too.
"So how do you like the mall" Daniel asks

"Amazing!" I say in an excited tone

We shopped for a few more hours before decided to load up in the car and go home.

We arrive home 30 min later and put all my new stuff away in my closet and I even got a new pair of shoes so I can get rid of my worn out ones I have.

"Wait do you need body soap and stuff and shampoo and all that?" Daniel asks as he walks up the stairs

"Yea I kind of do" I say

We decide to go to Walmart and I got some other stuff. Like body wash,conditioner and shampoo and some bath bomb and stuff like that.
He even bought me a new electric toothbrush and stuff.

We go home after and put that stuff away and it was almost dinner time and he ordered pizza as he was to lazy to cook tonight.

We decide to watch a few movies and ended up snuggling into each other.
I fall asleep in his arms.
He woke me up and told me to get ready for bed and it was a school day tomorrow.

I decide to take a shower and put on some new pajamas and brush my teeth then I go to bed. I crash really fast I was really tired. I made sure to set my alarm.

The next morning I woke up to my alarm beeping at me and the sound of rain pittering and pattering on my window.

I roll out of bed and get some clothes and head to the bathroom. I wore a sweater and jeans today. It was a chilly day.

I brush my hair and teeth. I left my hair down today and pinned it back so it looks nice.

I head downstairs and Daniel has made some breakfast. He made bowls of yogurt and fruit for us and we sat at the table and ate.

"Ready for school?" Daniel asks

"Yea" I say

Then I realized Halloween is in a few days

"You know Halloween is in a few days" Daniel says

"Yea I'm excited to go trick or treating" I say

"But candy isn't good for you but you still wanna go trick or treating?" Daniel questions

"Yes, aren't you passing out candy?" I ask

"Well.. I pass out fruit snacks" Daniel chuckles

"You are no fun" I say and giggle

"I know I'm a dentist so I need to pass out healthy treats" he says

I laugh.

"You need to get going for school" he says looking at the clock.

"I know by the way I still need a Halloween costume" I say

"We will get that don't worry" he says

I get up and grab my bag and put on my shoes  and proceed to wait for the bus outside.

I then go to school...

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