Ch 13- unlucky

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"Chloe, stay seated" Daniel said

"I don't want my tooth pulled" I complain

"It has to come out before you get braces" he says

Part of me wanted braces but the other half I don't want braces.

"I don't want braces" I complain

"Your getting them because they are good for your health, I wouldn't make you get them if they were pointless" Daniel says

"They are pointless" I say

"You want perfect teeth don't you" Daniel asks

"Yea.." I say

"Then you need braces" he mentions

"Ugh.." I complain

"Alright just relax" he says and reclined the chair back. He puts on fresh gloves and mask.

He then grabbed his mirror and explorer. "Open"

I opened my mouth and immediately scanned my mouth for the specific tooth according to x-ray.

He then takes the tools out and I close my mouth
"What are u doing?" I ask

"I need to apply numbing jelly so you won't feel the needle.." he says

I had the needle before. It wasn't that bad. To be honest.

He grabs the q-tip with the numbing jelly and asks me to open. I opened again and he applies the numbing jelly. He then takes the q-tip out and let that sit for a minute.

"Can we go to the roller skate place tomorrow?" I ask

"If your good" he says

He then prepares the needle.

"Open really wide and close your eyes" he says

I open wide and close my eyes

I feel the needle go in but it was a pinch that was all. It was bearable.

He takes it out and sets it in the tray.

"The funny thing is, I'm not the best roller skater" he laughs

"I only ever went once and fell on my butt a few times but I got used to it it's actually really easy" I say

He laughs "Alrighty, are you numb yet?"

"Yea I think so" I say and poke my cheek.

"Open real wide and I'll get this tooth out as quick as possible" he says grabbing the small pair of pliers.

I open real wide and he uses the pliers to gently wiggle out my tooth. There was pressure and tugging and pulling but it didn't hurt.

He pulls it out and put it on the tray. Then uses suction to clear up the blood and put gauze on where he pulled the tooth.

"Bite down" he says

I bite down and he returns the chair to normal state and turns off the light and removes my bib. Then removes his gloves and mask.

"I just got to schedule you with Caleb to fit your braces now, is there a time you want them on?" Daniel asks

"Maybe in a week or two" I say

"Alrighty" he says and types some things into the computer

"Alright your all booked it's in a week in advance" he says

"Okay" I say

I get up from the chair and me and Daniel left to go home.

We stop and get smoothies on the way home. I get a tropical one with mangos and other fruit and Daniel got Strawberry

One thing about Daniel he loves strawberries. He always has them at home. Even though he loves to avoid sugar I saw him eat strawberries and whipped cream once in a while.

We arrive home, me and Daniel decide to watch a movie.

He checks my gauze a few times to see if the bleeding stopped. Which hopefully it did stop.

We had dinner and watched another movie. Then I go upstairs after the movie, and shower and brush my teeth and braided my hair so it's wavy the next morning. It was Friday. Thank god. Going to school Monday.

Tomorrow we may go roller skating which I'm very excited about

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