Ch 6- Halloween

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A few days have passed... and today is Halloween!

I am dressing up as a bumblebee me and Daniel got the costume yesterday

I get ready for school. We are having a Halloween party at school! I told Daniel.. he said no sweets. But I'm eating sweets anywhere. I was allowed to bring my costume to school.
I packed my things and ate breakfast and brush my hair and teeth.
I then was now waiting outside for the bus.

The bus finally comes and I board the bus and take a seat.
The girl sitting across from me smiles at me
"So what are you dressing up as" she asks
"A bumble bee" I say
"Me too!" She laughs and shows me her bag with the costume
I laugh
She moves next to me and we start chatting.

I found out she's new to the school and she is
in my grade and her name is Lola Wheeler

We get to school and we go to homeroom we also found out we are in the same homeroom. The Halloween parties are held in everyone's home room.
Soon came to the end of the day and time for the Halloween parties to be held.
We did a lot of fun things during the Halloween parties.
We played games and we had sweets like cupcakes and candy which I am not gonna tell Daniel about.
Me and Lola we're chatting and she was eating a piece of candy when her hand flew up to her jaw.
"Are you okay?" I ask

"Yea I just been having a nasty toothache, haven't gone to the dentist since we just moved here" she says chuckling a bit

"My.. adoptive dad is a dentist..." I admit

"Ohh.. I don't like the dentist.. at all... my old one hurt me.. like when filled a cavity.. he didn't give me anything but laughing gas it really hurt..." she said

"I'm so sorry that dentist did that to you" I say

"Yea and my parents didn't believe me when I said he used no numbing" I say

We chatted a lot about other stuff and soon school was over. When I got off the bus I still had chocolate over my face
I walked in the house and Daniel was sitting on the couch.
Daniel looks at me. "Were you eating chocolate?"
"No.." I lie

"It looks like you have what did you eat today?" He asked

"I had a few pieces of chocolate and a mini cupcake but that's it" I admit

He sighs "I hope you brush really good"

"Also.. I have a friend who is coming trick or treating with me tonight" I say

"That's cool" he says

I go upstairs and set my school stuff down. Our teacher gave us goodie bags. I still had some candy in my bag.

I stayed in my costume as we are trick or treating in a few hours. Lola was supposed to come over in a little bit I gave her my address.

An hour later I hear the doorbell downstairs...


I arrive to Chloe's house and rang the door bell
The door opened revealing a man.
"Hi I'm C-chloes friend and we are going trick or treating and gave me her address" I say

"Oh yea come on in" he said
And opened the door wider and let me in I sit on the couch
"So you are?" He asked
"I'm Lola..Wheeler" I say

"Nice to meet you Lola.. I'm Dr. Daniel Miller a dentist" he says

"Oh.." I stutter as I hate dentists

Chloe comes downstairs all ready
"Lola!" She exclaims

I stand up. "Hey Chloe"

"Your both bumble bees" Daniel says

"Yea" me and Chloe say

"You both be careful and Chloe don't eat a lot of candy tonight or I'm giving you a good brushing" he warns

Chloe stuck out her tongue at him and giggles.

"Also.. I'm kind of new to town I need a good tour" I chuckle

This catches Daniels attention

"Do you have a dentist?" Daniel said

"No" I say

"Well.. I'm one of the only dental practices in town.. so I might be your future dentist" he chuckles

"Daniel.. don't scare her" Chloe asks

"I'm just saying.. now you girls go have fun.. don't be back to late" Daniel said

Me and Chloe left to go trick or treating. We got a lot of candy. Me and Chloe ate a lot of candy even though Daniel said not a lot of candy eating to her.
We laugh and laugh about Daniel being a health freak.
A few hours of trick or treating has past.
We go home and our separate ways

I arrive home and was so tired I crashed on the couch.

My mom made me get up and get ready for bed and brush my teeth really good.

Alright.. ever since eating that piece of taffy my jaw won't stop hurting.. I don't think I can hide it that long.. let's see

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