Ch 18- high school

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**fast forward 5 years**

I'm now 15 years old and today is the first day of freaking high school.. i am nervous but yet excited for the first day.
I think I'm a nerd I'm wear reading glasses sometimes.. I am gonna look like a nerd..

Yes I am am a pretty smart person. I think. I aced all my classes in middle school. I am no longer wearing braces I have to wear a retainer though.. it's not that bad..

The morning school started was good. I wake up on time to my alarm. I get out of bed and grab the outfit I picked out for the day. It was a black and white polka dot skirt and an Aeropostale t-shirt. I leave my room and go to the bathroom I pass Daniel on the way and he smiles at me and hugs me.

I take a shower, then brush my long hair and put it into two braids one on each side. I then brush and floss my teeth. Brushing my teeth is something I never forget now, I've been living with Daniel since I was 8 years old which is crazy. I look at my self in the mirror and I look cute today.

I leave the bathroom and head downstairs and sit at the kitchen island and put on my socks and white high top converse. Converse are easily one of my favorite shoes but I also love vans.

I eat a small bowl of yogurt and Daniel comes in
"You excited?" He says

"Yea" I say

He sighs

"What?" I ask

"I need to tell you the truth about something" he says

"Well what is it" I say

"The truth is I'm your real brother" he says

"Wait.. my parents died when I was little" i say

"I know that.. it was so tragic.. I was in college in dental school when that happened" he says

I sat there speechless

"I've gotta go the bus is coming soon" I say get up and grab my bag and leave via the front door.


She does not understand. The truth is I am her brother. She had a different last name because of mom she was divorced when she was born ending up with moms last name. They died in a car crash. Ugh. There's not much to say but she is my sister.


I get in the bus and sit in a seat. I was still speechless on what Daniel told me today. I am not sure if I believe it. I will talk to him when he gets home.
We arrive to the school shortly and all of us got off the bus. This school was huge.

I walk inside where I obtain my schedule then reported to the auditorium for freshman orientation. It was pretty cool actually.

The day went by pretty fast. We were shown around the school, got our lockers and made sure everything was set. I easily found all my classes and met all my teachers. They are all pretty nice, I will have a few new teachers next semester.

The day soon ends and I left and boasted by bus to go home. I take a seat. A girl asked if she can sit with me. I said yes.

"Hi I'm Abby, I'm a freshman just like you and you look lonely, I was wondering if you wanna be friends" Abby asks

"Sure" I smile

We chatted about general topics then I got home and left the bus.

I open the door when I got home and Daniel was on the couch.

I set my stuff down

"So how was school" he asks

"Fine. Did you wanna talk about what we talked about earlier on how your my brother?" I say

"Yes" he says

I sit on the couch with him. He began explaining everything to me. It slowly started to make sense. We had different dads. Which is crazy but the same mom. My real dad died of cancer. So did his dad. And mom dies in a car crash.
It made more and more sense.

After that I hugged him tight.

I love my brother.

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