Dear Earthly Father

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You are somone I can never forget

I csn never say you are dead to me for you are the man who planted his seeds within my psychotic , wicked mother's womb.

I am your first born

I will always favor you over my wicked mother ,although you have hurt me too

I just dont understand how you csn allow a woman who did not conceive me abuse me, and kick me out

How did you stand there and allow that when you are on the lease?

I reminisce to times where you faught to get full custodyfor my sister and I

What happened  ?

"I'm so proud of my big daughter"

If I can hear those words again my heart will just warm up

The psin will cease

But do you ever think of me?

I will always love you because I've learned to Let go and Let God

There may be a day that we will be reunited.

Oh what a joy that will be.

But until then I will continue to prsy , write a letter and hope to get s response.

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