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after a week in school hera foung her group of friends already but she would still sit with us once a week and im honestly not liking it every time she sits with us she sits next to seungkwan

and do these things that makes me feel upset

she would frequently touch his arms in front of me.

but we really arent a hing yet because he still hadent asked me to go out with him yet. i mean i like that he is courting me and  all.

maybe i just tell him that i like him already. but for fucks sake aint it obvious already. i like him so much already

and here is hera delaying all of that

she would ask seungkwan after classes to help her with her club activities.

they are both in the music club

while im in dance

i really had nothing against it but really theres tons of students who wants to help her already.

 why seungkwan???????

"ya eunbi eat your food" seungkwan said snapping me out of my thoughts as hera continued to look at seungkwan

"seungkwan oppa! you look good today" she said making seungkwan blush suddenly at the comment.

"ah thank you hera-ssi" he said quietly not looking at hera. while im sat here across them

"oppa! you should stop being so formal with me!" she said with a cute tone.

i only looked down to hide my irritation with them constantly flirting and having skinship.

i know hera is just being kind but she really is different once shes with seungkwan

"im gonna get going now guys" i said as i stood up from the table. hera only hummed and seungkwan continued eating his food.

once i was out of the cafeteria already i looked back at seungkwan and hera, well mainly at seungkwan not even bothering to go after me

im not mad at hera ok its just i feel jealous at their closeness already and i feel left out. they often talk about music and even sing together ssometimes.

after classes i headed to the rooftop to refreshen myself. but i heard someone already there with another girl.

i was about to go back down but i heard seungkwans name being mentioned

"hey i think there is something going on about hera and seungkwan sunbae!"' the girl said

"yess me too girl!! i talked with hera the otheere day and she said she liked seungkwan!" the other girl said excitedly

the followinig words make my heart drop

"hera even said seungkwan likes her too!" 

those words made me run down the stairs quickly 

i hear seungkwan call after me but i ignored him continued running finding my way out of school

probably just gonna call in sick or whatever

i mean i shouldnt be mad it was just a rumor i guess, he would stop courting me if he liked hera... will he not?

maybe i just need to not think about it right now.

i heard my phone ring and see the caller id is seungkwan

i answered after 4 rings

"ya kang eunbi! Where are you??" Seungkwan said hastily 

"im at home, i just feel sick" i lied.

"oh. want me to come over?" he asked

should i let him?

"uh yea sure" 

this is gonna be awkward. or at least on my part

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