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"O-oh hey"

"Why are you ignoring me?" His eyes saddening at the thought

"No I wasn't" i said as i tried wriggling my wrist out of his grip "can you like let go?" sounding colder than i intended. He lets go of my wrist almost instantly at my question


"I wasn't ignoring you ok?" No really I didn't want to sound cold or whatsoever but its just coming off that way.

"then if you're not, go out with me." he said such a bold statement. almost a fire lit up in his eyes


"Eunbii!!" I looked at Soonyoung thanking him with my eyes at his right timing

"Lets go?" He stretched out his hands and i saw his string that was seemingly short. As if his soulmate was here. I followed the string and there it was in fact it's Joy.  And im seeing them again. The strings. I didn't had the urge to look at mine. Knowing that probably its still severed

"Eunbi.." Soonyoung called out once more making me go back to reality

"Uh yea lets g—"

"Wait!" Seungkwan said catching mine and Soonyoungs attention

"Oh hey!" Soonyoung bro hugged him while Seungkwan awkwardly gave it back.

"Are you guys like uhm..."

"Yes. Im her boyfriend" Soonyoung said making me look at him with wide eyes.

what??? We didn't agree to this??

Seungkwan POV

"Yes. Im her Boyfriend" he said

My heart broke into million pieces.

no he cant be

Its only been a week tho


i looked down on my pinkie and still its tied.

i just have to make sure that its Eunbi and is sure is. We're still tied.

"Lets cut it" my words flashed back and I instantly felt regret

seemingly all the blood in my face drained at the thought of her wanting to cut our strings

Its as if destiny has taken its revenge on me

"Ya Boo Seungkwan!" Eunbi called out

"O-oh yeah congrats on the both of you.." it was evident that there's not a single drop of enthusiasm laced on my voice

Soonyoung laughed and Eunbi looked at her

"No we're just kidding kwan-ah" i suddenly had an urge to beat the crap out of this guy. Making me feel like shit

"No he's not. He's my boyfriend. We sealed it last week when you were late. Which thankfully you were. Without that he wouldn't be here" Eunbi said fiercely, fire in her eyes while she grab a hold of Soonyoung's hand intertwining it.

well i guess i was right the first time

Destiny is taking its revenge

fate ; boo seungkwan [1]Where stories live. Discover now