Chapter 6

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We quickly grabbed some food and ran to the backyard. We crawled into the window and locked it . " The creature things are coming back " , Atticus said . " How come ? ", Saren said . " I was being chased by one of the creatures . I used my powers to kill it , but it started to glow again . I couldn't control it . My arm rose and a ray of light shone. It attracted the aliens and it's COMING TO US !", I said . " Maybe the Silence might enter every door ", Mom said . " Why do you call the creatures the Silence , Mom?", I said . "Because they silently stalk you ,until they kill you ", Mom said .

We heard faint noises from the Silence . " QUICKLY, Go through the window ! ", Mom said . We all went outside , except my mom . My dad grabbed my mom's hand and pulled her . After she was pulled up , the Silence broke the basement door and saw us . We all ran , but the Silence chased us . The Silence grabbed Emarak and killed her. " NO!!!!!!!!" , I yelled . I saw her body laying in the ground. Her eyes were still open. A pool of blood surrounded her . The Silence continued chasing us . " I can't believe Emarak is dead ", I mumbled to myself .

We finally escaped from the Silence . We hid in an abandoned hospital . We were all tired . " Some one should take guard , while the others rest ", I said . "I'll do it ", Atticus said . I laid down in the cool , damp ground . I just remembered Emarak's dead body surrounded by her own blood . I cried softly . " She's just sixteen. She had more years to live . I wish I died and let Emarak live . Why me ?" I cried until I fell asleep .
"Wake up ", Atticus said . I stood up and stretched . " I'm tired, can you take guard duty ", Atticus said .
" Sure ", I said . It was the middle of the night . I looked at the sky , the stars and the moon shining over my face . When I looked at the town , screaming and fires lit all over the town . I gave a small groan . I glanced at my hand, the star symbol was still there . I figured out how I can control my powers . I put my hand up , my hand started to glow . But it wasn't a ray of light , it was stars falling down from the sky . The stars hit every where including the gigantic rock . I heard the Silence screaming and saw some falling down . "That's for Emarak ", I said .

Thanks for reading . Chapter seven is coming soon . :) follow me on watt pad and vote . I will be much appreciated.

Joke of the day : Two scientist came to a bar . The first scientist ordered H2O . The second scientist ordered H2O2 ( hydrogen peroxide ) . The second scientist died . Geddit :D

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