Chapter 19

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Jimin's POV

It felt like forever before they brought Athena in. When they did she was still unconscious. Her skin had this weird ashy pale look to it, nothing like the beautiful deep caramel color I am used to seeing. Placing our daughter back in the bassinette. I go to hold her hand.

"She should be waking up in an hour or so. Would you like me to return your girls to the nursey?" This isn't the same nurse from earlier she is much younger and very obviously a fan. She is looking around at us all and making me feel a little uncomfortable. Part of our security protocol with the hospital is that the girls do not leave the nursery.

"No, the hospital has set up for a neonatal nurse come in here to check on the girls. They are not leaving this room until they leave the hospital." I am pissed that I even had to tell her that she should already know. The way this nurse is looking around is making me very uncomfortable. I know she wants to ask why we are here with a woman that just delivered. "I'm sorry I am just covering the lunch for the nurse that should be here." I have a feeling that is not the case with the way she is eyeing Kookie and Tae as they were talking with the babies. I could tell that my hyungs were also uncomfortable. Suga was quietly letting security know she needs to go.

"I know this is unprofessional, but I am a huge fan. I was wondering if I could get a picture with you guys." Before any of us could answer our older nurse came in. "No, you may not!!! You will leave this room and go directly to the charge nurse and wait for me." Even though her voice was low it was firm and held the tone of a threat. Not to mention the look on her face was anything but the sweet grandmotherly look I am used to seeing. "You fangirl on your time, not mine Rose." After Rose left she turned to face me.

"I am so sorry, she was supposed to bring your wife and leave. I will introduce your and or your security team to any nurse that replaces me even if it is just for lunch or a bathroom break." I can tell she is truly upset about the situation. "It's OK, Thank you for getting her out of here, she was making me very uncomfortable." Smiling I pat her shoulder and she smiles in return.

"Thank you I need to go and deal with Rose, but I will be right back. Your neonatal nurse will be here in about ten minutes and then every two hours after that to at least bring formula for the girls until your wife wakes and tell us if she will be breastfeeding." Nodding my head, I tell her, "Sounds good."

Athena's POV

Waking up I feel a little dizzy and have a bad case of drymouth. Slowly opening my eyes I see two familiar security officers sleeping in chairs by the window and Jimin passed out on the couch. I have a burning pain in my stomach where my girls used to be. I can see the girls not far from my bed with a nurse standing over them. "Excuse me can I get some water please?" I kept my voice low so I wouldn't wake the men in my room. The nurse jumped, I guess I scared her.

"Sorry I was just uh mmm...checking on the girls." Smiling she was clutching her heart. "I will be right back with your water ma'am. Your babies are adorable." She left quickly and quietly closed the door. Something about her made me uncomfortable, but to be fair I am just uncomfortable right now.

About twenty minutes pass and the nurse still hasn't returned. I not wanting to wake Jimin or the security, I sit up and try to lower the bed so I can stand up. The bed makes a soft barely auditable humming sound, but it was enough to wake up Jimin. "What are you doing?" I turn slowly and see Jimin looking at me. "You are hooked up to a lot of stuff and you just had surgery you should not be standing. Your nurse should be back shortly but, here use the call button." Standing he comes over to me and pushes a red button I missed. Then he helps me back under the covers.

"Would you like to hold the girls?" I shake my head, "Not yet I am so thirsty, I'm a little lightheaded. The nurse that was in here when I woke up never brought me water back." Jimin turns his head so fast to look at me it was scary. "What nurse?" I explained the situation to him and watched as he turned red.

An older nurse walked in as I was finishing my description to Jimin. "Nurse Sophia, Rose snuck in here again." The older nurses face went through a range of emotions, first shock, then anger. "I had her removed from the schedule until you guys leave. She isnt even allowed to be in the hospital, let alone this floor. Her cheeks are flushing and her tone is hard. I know she is pissed and this important, butvim thirsty.

"Can I please have some water." She nodded her head and left to get my water. She also had a police officer with her when she returned. She set my bed up in a comfortable position and pulled a table over and set a pitcher full of ice and water on it along with a big cup with a straw.

While I drank my weight in water the guys explained the situation to the officer. It didn't take long before the officer came and showed me a picture. "Yes, that's her." He smiles and quickly leaves.

The nurse gives me a quick check-up and leaves. Jimin brings me one of our girls. "This is our oldest daughter baby A." I giggle as I take her in my arms. "We need to give them names, they can not stay baby A and B." He nods and grins at me. I take the time to examine my little girl. She has her father's full lips, eyes and my nose. "I was thinking we could name them after goddess like you are. Rhea, mother of gods and goddess and Hera the Queen of gods." Tipping my head to the side I think about it. I am not too aware of the meaning behind the names but if he did his research I'm ok with it.

"I think is a wonderful idea." Grinning he leans over and kisses me on my head. "Hello miss Rhea." Looking down at my oldest daughter as she blinks up at me.

Jimin's POV

When the guys made it back later in the day, they were not happy. The young nurse had released pictures she took of my girls. She had posted the pictures to all of her socials and it spread like wild fire from there. It was even picked up by some reputable news outlets already.

My girls are currently known as the BTS babies. Right now the world is just trying to figure out if we as a group hired a surrogate or if one of us fathered some kids, or if one of us is adopting. Army is all over the place and I am beyond pissed.

"Jimin why don't you guys are just tell them you are visiting a friend in the hospital," Athena asks as she is nursing Hera our youngest daughter. Right now Rhea is in Jin's arms soaking up words about how beautiful she is, with a side of Yoongi telling her that dating is never an option. One day some poor boy is going to have to face seven men that won't think he's good enough.

"No, one day the girls will get older, and they will see this article. I don't want them to ever think I am ashamed of them." She smiles at me and places Hera over her shoulder to rub her back. "I think they will think that you loved them enough to keep them safe from your stalkers or whatever you call them here." Sighing I realize that she is at least partly correct at least about our sasaengs. I nod even though I didn't want to. To me, it feels like I'm denying all of my girls and that's not what I wanted.

"The company will release a short message explaining she is a friend," Namjoon explained. "Which is not a lie," Athena interjected. "We will also let you read it first before it is released. Does that make you feel a little better Jimin?" I am not OK with it but what can I do.

A/N: Hello beautiful people. 😁 The time has finally come the girls have names. How do you like them? I know I am a little late but how did you like the VMA performance of Dynamite? I thought it was great. 😁 I would love to know how you feel about this chapter vote and comment. I am on to my next update. (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

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