Chapter 1

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A/N: Edited no need to reread if you have read it before.

Chapter 1

Jimin's POV

Well shit where am I? Only I can go out and get lost on accident thought. I stand and turn trying to figure out where I am. I wonder if they even noticed that I'm gone yet.

I was so busy trying to find my way back to where I lost my friends that I don't even realize that I'm getting further and further away. It was getting dark and I'm getting hungry and more than a little bit moody since my feet hurt to top it all off. This is just great can't get any better than this. That is when I remember that I can call for help, except my cell phone is dead.

I see a little restaurant and think it should be good to at least get a bite to eat and maybe charge my phone. I'm now also more than a little annoyed with myself because I haven't been spending as much time on English recently. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to eat, since I am not sure I can read the menu.

When I walk into the restaurant the first thing, I notice is it's small and quiet. I also notice that the menu has pictures and familiar food. Finally, a win finally. I order a cheeseburger, fries and a Sprite. The old lady running the place let me charge my phone too. This might not be such a bad day after all.

"Hey sweetheart the weather is getting bad and we are closing early. I suggest once you get your food you head back to your hotel and stay warm." The sweet old lady suggested, and apparently, she is running this establishment alone. I could tell she was old, but she had nice eyes and was patient while taking my order. The whole time she eyed me up and down I am feeling out of place.

"I will ma'am thank you " I say as I pay for my food, take it and leave.

"Be blessed young man" she said with a smile. "Thank you. You too" I say while leaving and trying to call anyone to get a ride to the hotel.

I think I came from the left so I'll go right can't hurt right? I am getting pissed because I have no phone service for some reason. That means I have nowhere to wait out this storm. Can my night get any worse I mean damn. I decide that if I keep walking, I must come across something that will help me soon right.

"Hey pretty boy" I hear someone scream so like a dummy I turn around. Coming right at me are three big ass dudes that do not look like they are trying to help me get back to the hotel. One really tall black guy in a dark grey hoodie and jeans had to be every bit of 6'2 maybe 250 pounds. With him was a shorter Mexican man and a heavy-set white guy but dress similarly.

"Pretty boy whatcha doing over here. You looking like you got me some dinner" it was the black guy talking and laughing at his own joke.

"Hey you don't speak? You speak English?" The Mexican guy asked. I thought it was ironic since his accent was every bit as thick as mine. I just looked at them not sure what to say or do. When we were being taught English these words were not covered. Probably because they didn't expect me to get lost.

"You don't have to say shit. Just hand over all your shit and we will let you go pretty boy" said the white dude while they all just kept walking towards me. Great I'm stronger than I look and can take them individually but together is not looking so good for me.

Athena's POV

Damn looks like Squirrel and his dumbass friends have found another victim. I'm just gonna keep walking and minding my own business. As I get a bit closer to them trying to get home before the storm. I see the victim looks very familiar. I see a rather tall Asian man that is definitely out of place in this neighborhood. He has flawless pale skin, silky looking chocolate locks, wearing an extremely expensive suit and a bunch of rings and a channel necklace. I stare and blink a few times just to be sure.

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