1 ~ Cold, thick ring

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Heyy, quick side note English is not my first language so if i spell something wrong its because of that! Hope you enjoy reading it! Much love :)

Summer break ended and we all went back to school again, I had to transfer from another magical school because of my family-secret! It's the first day in Hogwarts, the beginning of the sixth year. I'm a Slytherin legacy pure blood, my family is one of the most powerful legacy's out there. Most of the legacy's are dead, killed by you know who himself because we were actually much more powerful then him with the magic we bare in our hands, yes our hands indeed! We don't need a wand to cast spells, but it does make us a more powerful. So that means a big threat in his eyes. that's why he decided to destroy my whole family bloodline, beginning by my grand-grand parents. He killed my parents when I was a little baby just like he did with Harry's, that's why I life with my parents their close friends. They brought me in their home and raised me like their own child. Nobody must find out my secret that I'm a legacy or you know who will come to kill me!

I went to the library first to get some books for the upcoming classes we're having this week, when I walked in a brown curly haired girl is staring at me, her soft brown eyes are catching mine immediately. I walk shyly over to her table and take a seat next to her and say in a sweet voice "Hey, I am y/n." She smiles at me and she says curious, "Hi I am Hermione, are you new here?-I've never seen you before?" I told her that it is my first day in Hogwarts and that I didn't know anyone here and if she would like it if I stayed and study with her, and she answered with a big sweet smile on her face with a yes.

After a few good hours of talking and studying with Hermione, it's now time for my first class, she prepared me well and told me most of the things I needed to know about each and every professor! I am walking down the hallway and a few fellow Slytherins are walking past me, out of the sudden a Slytherin grabs my arm and drags me down to the floor. "friends with a griffindor I see". A low boy's voice went, I could hear him but was unable to see him. I collapsed with my body on to the stone cold floor, my arse on top of someone's feet. I quickly try to turn around to find out who's blacked leathered shoes I'm sitting on, with a little tear prickling in the back of my eyes looking up to see a cold grey eyed boy staring down at me with a disgusted look on his face. "Get the fuck off my shoes, you rat!" He spats in rage. Who the fuck does he thinks he is, talking to me like that?, I think to my self. I felt a little scared but I did not want him to know that, so I crumbled my way up to my feet's and look him right in to his cold grey eyes and say angry "someone pushed me, you dickhead!" I turn my flushed face away and stepped aside from him with a little grin on my face, at least, trying to leave. He grabs my arm roughly and pulled me back, his clod fingers wrapped around my thin wrist firmly making me face him directly eye to eye. He lets his grip get looser on me while looking at me like he wants to kill me.

"Who do you think you are?-Talking to me like that." He spats arrogantly, he is just enjoying this isn't he? He turns his head around to his friend, still holding the firm grip on my wrist and laughs, "how dear she speak to me like that." And the boy's laugh with him. Malfoy immediately turns his face around, back to me when I say "Let me go, you're acting fucking pathetic." He bursts out in rage after hearing my words, squeezing my wrist totally white with one of his hands and with the other hand grabbing my throat quickly. He gives my throat a little squeeze and grins, raising his dark blond eyebrows. I can feel the cold thick ring stinging in to my bare skin, giving it a purple mark. He's looking at me with joy and pleasure in his stormy grey eyes, I feel my face getting redder and redder by the seconds because I'm getting out of oxygen to breath! He seems to notice my red face and loosens his grip, "You're so weak, y/n-it's pathetic really!" He snorts meanly. Hold up, how does he know my name? I think to myself.

Everyone is watching me getting choked by a pale haired boy but nobody gives a fuck and acts like it's normal, I feel so ashamed of myself but the weird thing is, is that the choking thing wasn't the worst thing in the world, but nobody must find that out! That would be so embarrassing...

He stares for a few seconds with his cold eyes deeply in to mine and then the pale boy finally removed is long fingers away from my throat. I let out a loud sigh, finally being able to breath normally again! My legs feel weak I'm almost unable to stay on my feet's. He steps away from me and faced himself to his friends "lets go boy's, we've got better thing to do." He sighed irritated and by that he walked away without looking back at me, not giving a single fuck about what he just did! A few seconds after he left I let my weight slide down on to the stone floor, the small of my back leaning against the cold wall. My face covered up in my sweaty palms when I feel somebody sliding they're weight down beside me, I look up and see a pair of light brown eyes staring worryingly at me. It's my sweet friend Hermione, she smiles at me and says softly "Are you all right?" Her fingers reaching out to my throat, tracing the violent purple mark gently with her soft touch. "Uhm, I think so, who was that?" I whisper carefully with my gaze fixed on Hermione, she lets out an little surprised laugh. "You don't know?-well, that's Draco Malfoy" Quickly after that she goes on "The most terrible person you will ever know, besides you know who!" She exclaimed angerly, you could see in her face how big her hatred is for this Malfoy boy!

( This is the first edited chapter! Hope you like it <3 )

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