Chapter 25

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Wednesday had passed in a blur, nothing that great had happened except from when she made up with her sister. The rest of the day was quite boring. Her friends had come over after school to pick her up for the lesson. They had stopped at Precious' house first, then at Oma's house where she ate some of the chocolate cake that was stored in the fridge. Oma's mum made the best pastries ever.
Lesson wasn't that bad, she stayed out of trouble and out of the public eye. She didn't interact with anyone that wasn't Oma or Precious. It was back to square one... even farther from when she just started the lesson but she liked it like that. No one talked to her even though some wanted to and she didn't want that any differently.

It was Thursday, school had been normal, as normal as school could be.
She was sat with Oma as per usual. She wasn't as responsive as she was before, she had become more reserved but it didn't matter at all. At least she gave a nod and a shake of the head for every question asked of her.

She spent all of her free periods and break lounging in Miss Faith's office. The woman didn't bombard her with questions as she usually did. She just left her to be on her own as the girl read whatever book took her interest that day.

Then it was time for the lesson. She didn't have any good reason to ditch even when she wanted to. She had a gut wrenching feeling that something bad was awaiting her but just mere intuition and nerves was in no way a good enough excuse to have her skipping.

She got ready, sporting a black sleeveless dress that hugged her tight under a big button up flannel shirt that she refused to button up. Slipping her legs into her leather slippers, she grabbed her bag and headed for the living room. She could already hear her sister's voice from there, talking to Tobi. She could swear that after they made up, that boy never left their house.

"...when they get back." She heard the final words of her sister's sentence as she stepped into the room.

"Anna!!" Kemi exclaimed at the presence of her sister, almost as if she had been caught doing something bad. Anna raised a brow at her in question but she only waved it off switching the topic.
"You are leaving already?" She questioned. Anna nodded her head before closing her eyes and shaking her head.

"Y...yes." Her voice was shaky but still it was worth it seeing her sister's smile because of it. Tobi seemed shocked, his mouth hanging open so she just assumed that Kemi had not told him of the new improvement. She was really trying to start using her voice, even if it was her speaking only to her sister, she was trying.

"Close your mouth Tobi." Kemi rolled her eyes before handing Anna a 200 Naira note even though she knew it wasn't important. With a nod and a wave, she went out of the house and began her walk to the lesson.

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It was Thursday yet in the lesson, it almost seemed like it was Friday. There were absolutely no teachers in sight, leaving the whole place rowdy and noisy. It was probably because of the 4-day educational program they were holding for the students interested in writing JAMB. Anna wasn't attending the program though. Of course she was writing the said exams but she simply didn't see the need to attend the program.

So there she was, sandwiched between Oma and Precious, as the both argued animatedly about which one of them ate more than the other. As they pushed and shoved over the mute girl, trying to get their point across, she still somehow managed to leave a smile on her lip, as if enjoying the violent bickering.

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