Arabella Jade's Point Of View

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My Mom Is Going To Lose It When She Finds Out I Got Into A Fight . I Can't Believe I Got Into A Fight Over A Boy ? Well Not Really Over A Boy But Yeah For Her It Was Totally About Draco And It Kind Of Was For Me Too . ' That Was Insane ,, You Kicked Her Ass ' Rachel Laughed While Leanne Clapped ' I Am So Proud Of You AJ ' I Signed ' I'm Not .. I Can't Believe I Insulted And Fought Pansy In Front Of All Those People ' Leanne Rolled Her Eyes ' You Didn't Fight Her ,, She Didn't Get One Swing In You Kicked Her Ass ' How Embarrassing ' Could You Stop Saying That ? ' Of Course They Couldn't ,, They Were Proud And Under The Embarrassment I Kind Of Was Too ,, I Did Kick Her Ass And I'd Do It Again . I Definitely Shouldn't . Draco Slipped His Hand Into Mine ' Did You Shower After Your Last Class ? ' I Nodded ' Yeah I Felt Gross After What Happened With Pansy ' He Nodded ' You Smell Like .. Almond Créme ,, Sparkling Champagne ,, And Crystal Peonies . Like My ... ' Cut Him Off ' Like Your Amortentia Potion From Third Year Potions Class ' He Nodded ' Yeah I Noticed It Your Description Matched The Label On My Perfume Bottle ' He Raised An Eyebrow ' When Did You Know ? ' I Heard A Strangely Familiar Voice Behind Me ' Probably The Exact Same Time She Realized Her's Smelled Like You ,, Hi AJ ' Hermione Granger ' Oh Hey Nice To See You Again ,, It's Been ' She Cut Me Off ' Almost Three Years ,, I Haven't Talked To You Since You Drunkenly Told Me You Were In Love With Draco Malfoy In The Hallway The Night I Got Petrified ' Draco Looked At Me As If My Head Had Been Replaced With A Chicken Head ' Yeahh .. So What's Up ? ' I Believe This Is The Longest Draco Had Stood In Front Of Hermione Without Insulting Her ' I Had A Question But Uhm NeverMind ' Great So You Embarrassed Me In Front Of My Boyfriend And Friends For Nothing ' Okay ,, Well If You Ever Need Anything Or Want To Talk Just Feel Free To Come Find Me ' She Nodded Before Leaving ' Oh My God Was That The Night Rachel Tried Hooking Up With Draco And Found Out He Was With Pansy ? ' I Glared At Leanne And Rachel Chimed In ' AJ I'm Sorry If I Had Any Idea How You Felt I Swear I Wouldn't Have Spent The a First Three Years Of Our Friendship With A Mission To Swipe His Virginity And I Definitely Wouldn't Have Talked To You ... ' I Stopped Her ' No It's Totally Fine ,, When I Told You It Was Okay For You To Go After Him I Wasn't Aware That I Wasn't Over My Childhood Crush And By The Time I Did He Was Pansy Plus It All Worked Out Kinda ' Draco Was Still Staring But My Friends Kissed My Cheek And Walked Away ' Why Didn't You Tell Anyone ? Why Was Granger The Only Person To Know ? I Wish You Would've Just Told Me Then ' I Shrugged ' I Drunkenly Confided In A Stranger In The Hallway And Granger Wasn't The Only One Who Knew . Cedric Knew ,, I Never Told Him He Just Knew And I'm Glad Things Happened The Way They Did ' He Squeezed My Hand ' You Know Cedric Would Probably Still Be Laughing At You For Fighting A Girl Over Me ' I Giggled ' Yeah He'd Probably Tell Me To Hold Out For Someone With A Better Tan And Who Didn't Blatantly Have Bad Taste ' That Was 100% A Joke And I'm Really Glad Draco Caught It .
Herbology ,, Probably One Of My Favorite Subjects ,, I Like School . I'm Pretty Good At It Actually I May Or May Not Be Third To Top Of My Class Grades Wise Only Followed By Hermione Granger And Draco Malfoy . Contrary To Popular Belief I'm Smart Which Is Why It Surprised Me When Michael Corner Sat Next Me To ' AJ Hey ' I Gave Him A Polite Smile ' Hello Michael ' I'd Never Spoken To This Man In My Entire Life ' So I'm Having Some Trouble In This Class And Pretty Much Every Other One So I Was Hoping You Might Consider Tutoring Me ' I Nodded ' Tutor You In Herbology Or Everything ? ' He Smirked ' Everything ,, But We Can Start With Chemistry ' I Really Hope I Didn't Look As Confused As I Was ' Chemistry ? There Isn't A .... ' I Was Interrupted By Draco ' Nice Try Corner ,, Find Another Tutor This One Is Taken ' Ohh I Get It ,, I Promise I'm Smart I'm Just Not Keen On Flirting ,, Clearly . ' How'd You Know He Was Hitting On Me From Across The Room ? ' I Raised My Eyebrow ' Body Language And By The Way ,, He's Doing Fine In This Class ' Protective Boyfriend One ,, Flirty Stranger Zero .
' Harry ! ' He Swiftly Turned Around ' Hey Harry Hermione Came Up To Me Earlier Wanting To Ask Me Something But She Didn't ,, Do You Have Any Idea What It Is ? ' He Nodded ' Uhm Yeah I Do Actually We Were Thinking About Starting A Club But No Malfoys Allowed ' I Raised An Eyebrow ' I'm A Potter ,, Not A Malfoy ' He Shrugged His Shoulders ' That Was A Joke ' He Flicked My Necklace ' I Just Dont Think You'd Be Interested ' I Cant Believe He Was Intentionally Excluding Me Because Of Draco ' Well ,, I Never Got The Chance To Say I'm Sorry . I'm Sorry You Had To Watch Cedric Die .. He Liked You A Lot , You Know ? He Thought You Were A Really Nice Person ' He Nodded ' He Spoke Very Highly Of You The First Time I Met Him ,, Thank You ' He Began To Walk Away But Turned Around For A Moment ' I Heard About Pansy Parkinson ' Shit ' That Girl Deserved A Solid Punch In The Face ,, See You Later AJ ' I Really Wish We Were Closer . ' Professor Umbridge ! ' Jesus How Long Had She Been Standing Behind Me ' Arabella Jade ,, Have Anything You'd Like To Talk About Dear ? ' I Swiftly Shook My Head ' I Just Want To Make Sure You Aren't In The Same Headspace As Your Father ,, If You Ever Feel That Way Come To Me ' She Has To Be Kidding ,, I'm Not Sure If She Was Trying To Be Nice But That's Definitely The Wrong World Choice .. ' Uhm Thank You . I Will '

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