Draco Malfoy's POV

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I Can't Say I've Ever Been Summoned To Dumbledore's Office Before ,, When I Got There I Was Even More Surprised To See Arabella Laughing In The Chair Across From Him ' Draco Come In ,, Sit Down ' I Quietly Did So And Arabella Grabbed My Hand ' As Headmaster I Like To Make It My Business To Know What's Going On With My Students And You Two Are All Anyone's Talking About ' He Called Us In Here To Discuss Our Relationship Status ? ' Arabella Jade You Have Never Been Involved In Any Kind Of Violent Altercation Until Monday Morning ' She Nodded Allowing Her Warm Honey Brown Eyes To Hit The Floor As Her Freckled Cheeks Turned Bright Pink ' Yes Sir ' He Turned To Me ' If It Had Been You I Wouldn't Be Surprised . Are You Aware That Some Of Your Peers Are Afraid To Talk To Either Of You Due Anticipating A Bad Reaction From The Other One ? ' I Don't See A Problem In People Being Afraid To Hit On My Girlfriend ' Come With Me ' We Both Followed Him Towards An Old Mirror Out Of Place In The Corner ' Arabella Jade Stand In Front Of It ' She Did ' What Do You See ? ' She Frowned ' Draco Could You Move I Cant See Anything Besides Your Big Head ' I Laughed Lightly ' I'm Over Here Love ' She Turned In My Direction ' The Mirror Of Erised ' Dumbledore Nodded ' Draco Your Turn ' I Walked Forward ' What Is The Mirror Of Erised ? ' He Motioned For Me To Look Into It ' Why Is Arabella Holding A Baby ? ' I Looked At Her Confused As She Started To Blush ' The Mirror Shows The Person Standing It In Their Hearts Deepest Desire Draco ' Dumbledore Smiled A Little ' It Thinks I Want You To Be A Sixteen Year Old Mother ? ' She Giggled Rolling Her Eyes ' Draco What Does The Baby Look Like ? ' I Leaned Closer To The Mirror ' It's Got A Little Hair But It's Really White And Brown Eyes But It Mostly Looks Like A Potato ' I'm An Idiot .. I Let The Stupid Mirror Tell Arabella Something I Didn't Even Know I Wanted . I'd Never Even Thought About Kids But I Suppose If I Was Going To Have One I'd Want It With Her . ' Dumbledore ,, I Don't See The Point ' I Stepped Away From The Mirror ,, He Signed ' I Suppose I Just Wanted To Make Sure The Two Of You Knew You Were On The Same Page So We Didn't Have Anymore Issues . ' Arabella Nodded ' I Got The Message Loud And Clear ' We Walked Back To Our Chairs Sitting Down ' Arabella Jade What Do You Want To Do After Leaving Hogwarts ? ' She Raised An Eyebrow ' I Don't Want To Leave Hogwarts ,, I Want To Teach Potions ' He Turned To Me ' I'll Probably Work For The Ministry Like My Father But I'd Like To Play Quidditch ' He Turned Back To Arabella ' Stay Out Of Trouble ' We Both Left Holding Hands ' That Was Odd ' She Smirked ' If You Wanted Me To Have Your Babies Malfoy All You Had To Do Was Ask ' With That She Pulled My Tie Leading Me Down An Empty Hallway ' I Mean Not Right Now But Someday ' She Stood On Her Toes Pressing Her Lips Against Mine ,, After A Moment Of Leaning Down I Grabbed The Back Of Her Thighs Lifting Her To Let Her Wrap Her Legs Around My Waist Before Pushing Her Back Into The Wall . She Paused For A Moment With Her Hands In My Hair ' I Don't Know Baby Daddy Has An Interesting Ring To It ' I Laughed A Little ' Drop The Baby And It Sounds Pretty Good ' She Flirtatiously Raised An Eyebrow Before Kissing Me Again .. It'll Only Been A Few Minutes Before Someone Cleared Their Throat ' Harry ' Damn It Potter I Let Her Down And She Adjusted Her Skirt While I Fixed My Hair ' We We're Just Uhm ' He Raised An Eyebrow At Me ' Working On Making Babies ' She Playfully Punched My Arm ' He's Kidding ' Potter Began Walking Towards Us ' That's Not My Business But I'm Glad I Got Here Before Snape Did ' As If On Cue Snape Turned The Corner ' What Are You Three Doing ? ' Harry Turned Around ' Nothing Professor Just Walking Back To Class ' Arabella Nodded ' Draco And I Just Left Dumbledore's Office Sir ' He Seemed As Pleased As Possible With Their Answers As He Continued On His Way ' Thanks Harry You're My New Favorite Cousin ' He Looked Confused ' Am I Not Your Only Cousin ? ' Dimwitted Bastard ' You Are ' When I Returned To Class Rachel Was On My Case While Leanne Seemed To Be Interrogating Arabella Across The Room ' What Happened To Your Hair ? ' I Began Trying To Fix It Again ' Nothing ' She Tucked My Tie Back Into My Sweater Patting My Chest ' Next Time You Skip Class To Have Sex Both Of You Should Put Your Clothes Back On All The Way '
Before I Knew It The Rumor That I'd Swiped Arabella's Virginity Had Spread Like Wildfire . I Swear This School Was Full Of Disgusting Idiots . ' In Case You Were Wondering I Heard We Had Amazingly Hot Sex In Dumbledore's Office ' At Least She Wasn't Upset ' I Heard It Lasted Less Than Five Minutes ' She Laughed ' What Are You Doing Saturday Morning ? I Feel I Owe You A Date For Taking Your Virginity ' She Giggled ' I'll Be Taking A Bath In The First Floor Girl's Bathroom ,, Feel Free To Join Me ' What A Dork ' So We Can Have Imaginary Sex In There Too ? ' I Heard A Familiar Voice Behind Me ' So Did You Let Dumbledore Watch Or What ? ' Instead Of Letting Either Of Us Answer Pansy Decided To Fake Moan ' Oh Draco You're So Skinny And Pale ' Arabella Rolled Her Eyes ' You're An Idiot ' I'm Assuming Pansy Enjoyed Being Punched Considering She Didn't Even Wait For Her Bruised To Heal Before She Started With Her Shit Again ' Gonna Deny It Skank ' Knowing Arabella Probably Not ' No But It's Sounds More Like Mhmm Oh My God Draco ' She Continued To Fake Moan Which Was Admittedly Really Hot She Rolled Her Eyes Forward ' Uhh Daddy ' Rachel Had Walked Up At Some Point And Began Laughing ' Cut It Out AJ Or I'm Gonna Have To Change My Skirt ' Pansy Gave Them A Disgusted Look ' You Three Make Me Sick ' Arabella Laughed ' Don't Act Like You Don't Wanna Watch ' Rachel Chimed In ' Shit I Wanna Join ' With That Pansy Left While Rachel And Arabella Laughed ' Don't Worry Draco Told Me Your Business Is Still In Tack ' Arabella Gasped ' So The Thing In The Woods Was A Dream ' I Sat On The Bench ,, Arabella Plopped Down On My Lap With Rachel Sitting Next To Me And Leanne Joining Her On The Bench ' When Are You Gonna Let Malfoy Slytherin ? ' At Least Leanne Thought Rachel's Pun Was Funny ' I'm Not In A Hurry ,, I'm Enjoying This Hot And Bothered Thing He Has Going On ' Rachel Rolled Her Eyes ' You're A Tease ' You're Telling Me ' Lets Go Lee Nothing Good To Watch Over Here ' Arabella Laid Her Head On My Shoulder Twirling My Hair In Her Fingers ' I Know We All Joke But No Pressure ,, Whenever You're Ready ' She Kissed My Cheek ' I Love You Draco '

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