Arabella Jade's Point Of View

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Sunday Breakfast With The Girls Is One Of My Favorite Things . Until Rachel Got Suspicious ' AJ Something Is Different About You ' Leanne Nodded ' You'be Been So Calm Since Yesterday And You're Glowing ' They Exchanged Looks And Rachel Looked At Me ' When Did You Have Sex ? ' Damn It ' How Did You Know ? ' Rachel Was Pissed ' I've Been Your Friend For Nearly Five Years And You Didn't Immediately Tell Me ' I Rolled My Eyes ' I Hadn't Gotten The Chance ,, It Just Happened Yesterday . In The First Floor Bathroom Tub ' Leanne Oohed ' In Front Of A Ghost Kinky ' Hermione Tapped My Shoulder ' Mind If I Join You ? I'm Trying To Figure Something Out And I Have A Few Questions ' Oh School Stuff ' Yeah Sure If You Two Dont Mind ' They Shrugged And She Sat ' What Does Being With Draco Feel Like ? ' Odd Question But I Didn't Even Have To Think About It ' Being With Draco Is Like Drowning But Floating Being Completely Free ,, Watching A Movie You've Seen A Thousand Times But It Always Feels Like The First Time You've See It ,, Cracked Glass ,, A Field Of Baby's Breath ,, The First Snowfall ,, It Feels Like Dancing In The Rain . It's The Most Magical Thing In My World . ' They All Smiled A Little And Rachel Nodded Behind Me ' I Think He Heard You ' He Smiled And Sat Beside Me Placing His Hand On My Thigh ' How'd You Know You Were In Love ? ' Also Easy ' Everytime Something Happened To Me Good Or Bad He Was The Person I Wanted To Go To ,, When I Was Afraid Or Needed A Hug I Reached For Him ,, And He Made Me Feel Alive In My Darkest Moments . The Truth Is In Small Ways I've Spent Most Of My Life Figuring Out I Was In Love With Draco ' She Looked At Draco ' What About You ? ' He Shrugged ' I Just Wanted To Slytherin Honestly ' I Lightly Punched His Stomach ' No Uhm I Suppose I've Always Known . The First Time I Met Her She Was So Bright ,, She Was The First Person I'd Ever Met Who Saw Me . She Loved Life And Had All Of This Hope It Amazed ,, It Amazes Me ' Hermione Nodded ' So You're Asking Because You're In Love With Ron ? ' We All Looked At Leanne ' Was I Not Supposed To Say That ? It's Obvious Really ' Hermione's Eyes Hit The Floor ' Just Don't Tell Anyone ' Leanne Raised An Eyebrow ' We Haven't Told Anyone Yet ' She Walked Away ' Cracked Glass ? ' Rachel Laughed ' We'll Leave You Two To Discuss ' She Grabbed Leanne's Hand And They Ran Off ' I Should've Said Walking On Broken Glass Because You Torture Me ' He Smirked ' You Know You Love Me ' He Leaned Forward To Kiss Me But Instead I Got Head Butted He Rubbed The Back Of His Head ' Don't Do That In Public ' I Nodded ' Yes Professor Snape ' Draco Turned Around ' You Didn't Have To Hit Me ' I Laughed ' You Gonna Tell Your Father About It ' Snape Managed A Half Smile Before Leaving ' You Know I Might ' Draco Opened His Brown Leather Bag Pulling A Two Shirts Out And Handing It To Me . ' Your Quidditch Jersey ? ' He Nodded ' And I Got You That Sweatshirt ' It Was A Dark Green Crewneck With Slytherin's Emblem In The Top Right Corner Of The Front And Malfoy In The Center With The Number Seven In The Middle . He Definitely Had This Crewneck Made ' This Is Lovely ' He Nodded Confidently ' So I'll See You Wearing It Today ? ' I Shrugged Slightly ' Possibly ,, I'd Have To Think About It Honestly ' He Rolled His Eyes ' You Are The Most Stubborn Person I Have Ever Met ' Clearly He Hasn't Looked In A Mirror Lately ' Awe Draco I Feel The Same Way About You '
Let Me Start Off By Saying I Don't Know Much About Quidditch ,, I Don't See The Point In The Golden Snitch It Feels Like A Cheapskate But It Normally Gets The Games Over With A Bit Faster So I'm Not Overly Upset About It . I Wore A White Collared Button Down Under The Malfoy Crewneck With Black Tights ,, A Black Skirt ,, And Black Combat Boots . I Let Rachel Put My Long Strawberry Blonde Hair In Two Braids While I Did My Eyeliner Before We Headed To The Game . I Won't Go Into Details Mainly Because I'm Not Really Sure How It Happened But Slytherin Beat Gryffindor And I Believe It Was Because Draco Fell Into The Snitch More So Than Actually Catching It . ' Good Job Malfoy ' He Gave Harry A Nasty Look And Was About To Say Something Before I Caught His Eye And He Smiled ' Great Job Out There Harry Better Luck Next Time Though ' He Gave Me A Semi Awkward Side Hug ' Thank You ' Ginny Weasley Came Up Behind Me ' Nice Job Harry ! ' She Looked Draco's Direction Then At Me ' Hey I'm Ginny Weasley ' I Smiled But Draco Stepped Forward Before I Could Say Anything ' Potter's Girlfriend ' I Didn't Realize Harry Had A Girlfriend ' Arabella Jade Potter ,, You Can Call Me AJ ' She Nodded ' I Know And I'm Not Harry's Girlfriend ' You Could Tell By The Way They Both Looked That Neither Of Them Were Upset At The Idea Of Them Being Together ' Lovely To Meet You But I Believe We Have A Win To Celebrate ' Draco Pulled My Arm Walking Away As Ginny Waved ' It Was Nice Meeting You Too ' Off To The Slytherin Common Room We Went Where Practically Everyone Was Dancing ,, Drinking ,, And Having A Great Time ! Immediately Upon Arrival Rachel Grabbed My Hand ' Can I Take A Picture Of You Two ? ' Draco Nodded Reluctantly As He Was Still In His Quidditch Uniform ,, He Wrapped His Sweaty Arm Around My Waist And Pulled Me Close ' Smile ' As The Camera Flashed He Grabbed My Chin And Lightly Kissed My Lips ' Oh That Was So Cute ! I'll Make You Both Copies ' I Smiled As He Slid His Hand From My Waist To My Wrist ' You Amaze Me ' I Could Feel My Cheeks Heating Up ' You Amaze Me With How Much Cornier You Get Everyday '

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