Draco Malfoy's Point Of View

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It Feels Like The Year Has Gone By So Fast ,, I'm Slightly Less Than Excited To Be Going Home For Christmas But Here I Am On The Train Home With Arabella ' What Are Your Plans For The Holiday ? ' She Began To Pick Her Fingernails ' Uhm I Don't Know The Usual ' She Paused ' My Mom Is In America Visiting Her Sister So I'll Probably Just Hang Out ' Sometime During The First Wizarding War Arabella's Aunt Caroline Decided To Move To America And Live Among The Muggles There ,, The First Christmas Without Her Father Seems Like A Strange Time To Just Leave Your Daughter Behind . ' You're Going To Be Alone All Christmas ? ' She Sheepishly Nodded ' Yeah But It's Okay ' She Was Clearly Lying ' Why Don't You Come To The Manor For Dinner Tonight ? ' Maybe My Mother Will Let Her Stay Considering Her Mother Housed Me All Summer Long . She Laid Her Head In My Lap ' That Sounds Nice ' I Quietly Hummed And Played With Her Hair As She Fell Asleep . When We Got Off The Train My Mother Was There To Greet Me ,, She Looked Between The Two Of Us ' Arabella Jade ? ' Arabella Smiled ' Hello Mrs . Malfoy ,, It's Nice To See You Again ' She Raised An Eyebrow At Me ' I Almost Didn't Recognize You ,, Draco Never Lets You Come Around Anymore ' I Couldn't Read Her Expression ' Actually I Was Wondering If She Could Come For Dinner Tonight ,, Her Mum Is Spending The Holidays Out Of Town ' She Looked Slightly Concerned All Of A Sudden ' Of Course Dear ' She Looked Back At Arabella ' You're Always Welcome '
My Father Was Waiting When We Arrived ,, His Gaze Hit Arabella First ' Draco You've Brought A Friend Home ? ' He Looked Her Up And Down Before Catching Sight Of The Necklace ' Arabella Jade ' She Nodded ' Yes Sir Hello ' He Motioned For Us To Sit On The Couch ' It's Been So Long ' They Are Starting To Help Me Remember Why I Stopped Bringing Her Around ' Arabella Jade's Mother Is Out Of Town For The Holidays ' He Looked At My Mother ' And Her Father ? ' I Watched Arabella Sit Up A Little Straighter ' Lucius Remember He Passed Away At The End Of Last School Year ' He Nodded Slightly ' Oh Yes ,, So She's Staying With Us Until They Go Back To School ' It Was More Of A Statement Than A Question ' No Sir Thank You But I Don't Want To Intrude ' He Raised An Eyebrow ' Nonsense ,, Someone Take Her Bags To Draco's Room ' My Mother Stepped In ' Draco's Room ? ' He Looked Up At Her ' Of Course ,, Where Do You Think He Slept At Her House ? In The Living Room ? ' They Both Looked At Us ' No ' Arabella's Cheeks Began To Turn Pink ' Uhm No Sir He Stayed In My Room But We Didn't .... ' My Father Cut Her Off ' I Heard About Dumbledore's Office ' My Mother's Eyes Grew Wide ' Dumbledore's Office ' Arabella Grew Increasingly More Uncomfortable Next To Me ' No Ma'am That Was A Rumor ,, We Were Called To Dumbledore's Office About The Fight ' My Mother Sat Across From Me ' Fight ? ' My Father Laughed A Little ' Narcissa Calm Down ,, We Got A Letter From Snape About Arabella Jade Getting In A Fight About Draco ' She Didn't Calm Down ' With Who ? ' I'm Never Bringing Her Back Here ' What Was Her Name The Ugly Girl Draco Was Seeing Last Year ' Arabella Giggled A Little Less Uncomfortable ' Pansy Parkinson ' My Mother Relaxed Slightly ' Did You Win ? ' I Smiled ' It Was Barely A Fight ,, Pansy Didn't Touch Her ' My Father Seemed Impressed ' Good I Never Liked That Girl ' Arabella Grinned ' Me Neither Mrs . Malfoy ' My Mother Nodded In Approval ' Please Call Me Narcissa '
Being At Home Was More Bearable With Arabella Around My Parents Genuinely Liked Her Yet She Was Still Surprised When She Got Christmas Presents ' Narcissa You Shouldn't Have These Are Beautiful ' She Held Up The Pair Of Gold Snake Earrings That Match The Necklace ' You Have One Sent From A Rachel Also ' Arabella Smiled As She Opened The Black Box ,, It Was Two Copies Of Picture We Took After My First Quidditch Match ,, You Could See Us Smiling And Me Kissing Her My Mother Smiled As I Handed Her Mine ' Lucius Aren't They Sweet ' My Father Walked Me Out Of The Room As Arabella And My Mother Continued To Talk ' She's Quite Lovely Draco ' I Nodded ' Yes Father ' He Looked Back At Her ' I Can See Why You're So In Love With Her ' I Smiled A Little ' Yes Sir ,, I Am ' He Patted My Shoulder Which Was Strange ' If She Gives Our Grandchildren Red Hair I'll Be Highly Upset ' He Laughed A Little And I Realized This Entire Visit He Had Been Out Of Character ,, Arabella Squealed ' Draco Look Our Baby Pictures ' We Walked Back To Arabella Holding A Small Scrapbook With Pictures From Us As Children To Our First Day At Hogwarts ' We Were So Cute ' I Smiled Sitting Down On The Floor Next To Her ,, There Were More Empty Pages Than Anything ' Here Put This One In There ' I Handed Her My Copy Of Our Christmas Present From Rachel ' I Wanted To Show This To You ,, I Put It Together Last Night But I'd Like To Keep It If You Both Would Send Me Significant Pictures Of The Two Of You As The Years Go On ' Arabella Smiled At My Mother ' Thank You Narcissa ' My Mother Shrugged ' Of Course ,, You're Family '

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