Arabella Jade's Point Of View

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I Completely Understand Why Draco Was Upset With Me For Not Telling Him About My Mother But He Can't Expect Me To Forget About Him Literally Getting Dumbledore Sent To Azkaban Due To A Petty Rivalry He Has With Harry ,, Of Course Dumbledore Didn't Actually Go To Azkaban Actually We Aren't Sure Where He Is . The School Year Is Almost Up Which Hopefully Means That I'll Get Nine Weeks Of Draco Not Acting Like A Dick . Although I'm Not Sure I Want To Spend The Next Six Weeks At The Malfoy Manner ,, Rumors Are Flying About Dumbledore's Army Of Students ,, I For One Don't Believe They Were Doing Anything Wrong And I Would've Joined If They'd Invited Me . I Wonder If That's What Hermione Wanted To Talk To Me About Earlier This Year . Umbridge Is On Nearly Everyone's Very Last Nerve With Her Constantly Putting New Rules In Place And Basically Making Hogwarts Feel More Like A Prison Than A Safe Place For Young Witches And Wizards To Learn . Most Days I Feel Like I'm In Azkaban ' What Is Your Opinion On Dumbledore's Army AJ ? ' Leanne Looked Curiously At Me Seeming To Know My Mind Was Somewhere Completely Outside Of This Conversation ' I Would've Liked To Know Where To Sign Up ' Draco Shot Me A Nasty Look And Rachell Desperately Tried Not To Giggle ' Well I Suppose Harry Thought You Were Just On The Wrong Team ' Leanne Raised An Eyebrow ' Yes It Seems You And Harry Are Kissing Two Different Snitches ' I Wasn't Sure If She Was Talking About The Golden Snitch Or Cho Chang On Harry's Part ' I Suppose We Are ' I Glared At Draco And I Could Hear Crabbe Mumble Under His Breathe ' Where Is Potter Anyways ? ' I Looked Around ' Neville ,, Luna ,, Hermione ,, Ron ,, And Ginny Aren't Here Either ' Draco Shrugged ' Must Be Off Doing Secret Army Things '
It Was True ,, All Of It . Voldemort Had Returned The Mister Of Magic Saw Him . Bellatrix Lestrange Had Escaped Azkaban Along With A Few Other Known Death Eaters . Lucius Malfoy Had Been Arrested . Sirius Black Was Dead . Harry Stood In Front Of Me His Expression Blank And His Eyes Glossed Over ' Harry I'm So Sorry ' He Didn't Say A Word But I Know That Sirius Felt Like The Only Family He Had Left . He Needed Me Just As Much If Not More Than Draco Did Right Now ' Harry ,, Everything Is Going To Be Okay ' Tears Filled His Eyes ' He Called Me James .... It Was The Last Thing He Said To Me .... Good One James ' I Wrapped My Arms Around Him ' He Loved You Dearly It Seems ,, My Father Once Told Me That Sirius Black Was Your Father's Most Beloved Friend . He Must've Been A Wonderful Man '
Although I Didn't Approve Of Lucius Malfoy's
Crime Draco Was There For Me When My Father Died So I Brought Flowers For His Mother . I Hadn't Been To The Manor Since Christmas And I Began To Feel Nervous Waiting For Someone To Answer The Door . Narcissa Looked Genuinely Concerned When She Finally Came ' AJ What A Surprise ' She Gestured For Me To Come In ' Yes Ma'am ,, I Wanted To Say I'm Sorry To Hear About Your Husband's Arrest And I Brought You These Flowers ' I Handed Them To Her As I Walked Through The Door There Was Someone Sitting On The Couch ,, He Turned In My Direction And The First Thing I Noticed Was His Missing Nose ' Voldemort ' Draco Looked At Me In Panic As The Creepy Looking Pale Almost Blue Partial Man Stood Up ' And You Might Be ? ' I Wasn't Sure How To Answer That ' Arabella Jade ... Potter ' He Smirked ' Nice To Meet You Ms Potter ,, I Can See Why Young Draco Is So Fond Of You ' He Began To Walk Towards Me I Walked To Draco Grabbing His Hand ' Beautiful And Brave . Most People Would Freeze In My Presence ' Truthfully I Wasn't All That Scared For Myself At Least ,, More Curious About Why He Was Here ' If I'm Honest You Don't Scare Me ,, I'm Admittedly Creeped Out A Little Mainly Because I Thought People Were Joking When They Said You Didn't Have A Nose ' Draco Squeezed My Hand And Whispered ' Stop ' I Was Surprised When Voldemort Laughed ' Amusing ,, How Long Have You Known Draco ? ' I Honestly Was Disappointed . I Expected More Leader Of All Things Evil Less Circus Freak ' Why'd You Murder Cedric Diggory ? ' Narcissa Glared At Me ' Was He Your Old Boyfriend ? Let Me Say Dear You've Traded ... ' I Cut Him Off ' He Was My Best Friend And You Killed Him ' He Clicked His Tongue ,, He Had A Full Tongue But No Nose ? ' It Wasn't My Wand That Took The Life Of Your Friend ,, Tell Me About Your Parents ' He's Giving Me Strong Pedophile Vibes ' My Father Killed Himself After Living A Good Chunk Of His Life Grieving Most Of His Family Especially After You Murdered His Cousin And The Pregnant Mother Of My Cousin Harry Potter . My Mother Was The First Witch In Her Family To Sort Into Ravenclaw Instead Of Gryffindor And She Wants Me To Break Up With Draco Because His Father Is A Death Eater ,, What About Yours ? ' He Avoided My Question ' A Pure Blood ? What's Your House ? ' I Rolled My Eyes He's Beginning To Annoy Me ' Slytherin ,, Why ? ' He Touched His Wand To My Chin Lifting It Up ' You Came All The Way Here To Give Narcissa Flowers And Dump Draco ? ' I Gulped ' No I Came To Give Mrs . Malfoy Flowers ' He Shook His Head ' Go Against Your Mother's Wishes Often Ms Potter ' Draco Squeezed My Hand ' No ' He Moved His Wand From My Chin To My Ear And Pushed My Head To Face Draco ' Then Why Now ? ' He Pushed My Hair Off My Shoulder ' I Love Draco ' He Clapped Slowly ' And Draco You Love Her ? ' Draco Nodded  ' You Would Make Quite The Addition To Our Family ' I Had A Feeling He Wasn't Talking About Two Seventeen Year Olds Getting Married ' No My Lord She Can't ' Voldemort's Attention Shot To Draco ' He's Right My Mom Will Lose It If I'm Not Home By Dinner ,, So Although This Was A Nice Conversation And It Was Lovely Meeting You Voldemort I Gotta ... ' He Cut Me Off ' Bellatrix ' Like A Dog She Came Waltzing In ' I'm Sure Your Mother Will Be Fine If You're A Little Late ' I Suppose They Didn't Need To Know My Mother Was Gone ' I'm Sorry To Inform You That I Already Have A Family ' I'm Not Sure I Can Talk My Way Out Of This One .... ' You And Your Mother Are All That's Left My Dear ' I Shook My Head ' I Have A Cat And A Boy Who Lived ' Bellatrix Tilted Her Head ' I Didn't Catch Your Name ' I Smiled A Little ' Potter ' She Let Out A Creep Laugh ' You're Bellatrix ,, Right ? You Murdered Sirius Black And The Longbottoms ' Voldemort Tapped His Chin ' You Know I Really Like This One Draco ,, What Shall We Do With Her ? ' Bellatrix Looked Me Up And Down ' Kill Her ' Draco Stepped Forward As Voldemort Shook His Head ' No That Won't Do He Loves The Girl ,, I've Got A Feeling When The Time Comes She'll Come Around And Join Us ' I Shook My Head ' I Don't Think So ,, As Long As Dumbledore Lives Harry Cant Be Touched And We'll Hold Onto Hope ' I Could See He Was Starting To Get Annoyed With Me ' I Suppose I'll Leave You To Spend Time Together ,, See You Soon Ms Potter ' He And Bellatrix Disappeared And Narcissa Immediately Came Towards Me ' Do You Have A Death Wish ? ' I Shrugged ' No Ma'am . No Matter What I Did Or Said He Would Kill Me If He Wanted Me Dead . Cedric Didn't Do Anything And He Still Died ' Draco Wrapped His Arms Around Me Squeezing Me With Everything In Him ' You Can't Do Things Like That ' I Pulled Away ' Draco ,, May I See Your Arm ? ' His Grey Eyes Got Wide As He Pulled His Sleeve Revealing The Dark Mark ' Arabella You Don't Understand .. ' I Nodded ' I Do .. It's Okay . ' I Wiped A Tear From His Porcelain Cheek ' We'll Figure It Out Draco .. We Always Do ' Narcissa Placed A Hand On My Shoulder ' Would You Like To Stay For Dinner ? ' I Reluctantly Agreed ' Arabella Jade You Have A Choice Here . ' Draco Shook His Head ' I Cant Let You Get .. ' Narcissa Cut Him Off ' She Won't Sit Home While Everyone Around Her Fights ,, She Has Never Been Weak ' I Was Feeling Really Weak Right About Now But They Were Both Looking At Me Seemingly Awaiting My Final Decision ' Mrs . Malfoy I Don't Know How To Choice . Draco Is My Family But Hogwarts Is My Home ' Narcissa's Hand Touched Mine ' If You Turn The Dark Lord Down Again He Will Kill You ' Draco's Beautiful Grey Eyes Hit The Floor ' Die Or Fight Against My Friends With Moldy Voldy Doesn't Feel Like Much Of A Choice ' Draco Raised An Eyebrow ' Did You Just Say Moldy Voldy ? '

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