Arabella Jade's Point Of View

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Draco's Parents Have Been Nothing But Lovely Since I Got Here Which Of Course I Knew Wasn't Normal As The Malfoy Family Isn't Know For Kind And Welcoming Hearts . We Weren't Allowed In Certain Rooms Of The House And Sometimes I Heard Voices Coming From Lucius' Study But Never Saw Anyone Besides Us And Their House Elves Walking Around The House . I Sat On The Foot Of Draco's Bed As He Slept Curled Up In A Ball ,, It Was About Six AM But I Couldn't Sleep . As Quietly As Possible I Tip Toed Into The Kitchen Where A Smallish Very Angry Looking House Elf Stood Next To The Counter ' Yes Ms Potter ? ' I Smiled Lightly ' Good Morning ,, May I Have A Cup Of Coffee Please ? ' He Immediately Began Making It And I Heard Foot Steps Behind Me ' You're Up Early ' I Jumped A Little Turning To See Lucius ' Yes Sir ,, I Couldn't Sleep ' He Grabbed Two Muffins Off The Plate On The Counter And Handed One To Me ' Excited To Go Back To School ? ' He Raised An Eyebrow ' No Sir Absolutely Not ' I Was Handed My Cup Of Coffee And I Felt Bad For Not Knowing The House Elf's Name  ' Thank You ' He Scurried Away To Do More Chores ' Surely You Miss Your Cousin ' This Was The First Time They'd Brought Harry Up To Me ' I Suppose But We Aren't Close ,, We Exchange Casual Words In The Hallways Occasionally But That's All ' He Nodded In Approval ' I'm Sure He's Busy Saving Hogwarts Time And Time Again ' I Giggled ' Odd Isn't It ? That Since We Were Eleven The School Has Basically Allowed Three Students To Save The Day While There Is A School Full Of Talented Adult Witches And Wizards Seemingly Doing Nothing ' He Nodded ' Yes Very Strange ' A Yawn Came From Behind Lucius As Draco Stumbled In Still Half Asleep ' Baby ' His Eyes Were Only Partially Open As He Reached For Me ' GoodMorning Love ' Lucius Gave Him A Sort Of Disgusted Look As Draco Wrapped His Arms Around Me Laying His Head On My Shoulder ' Why Did You Leave Me ? ' I Laughed As Lucius Rolled His Eyes ' Son ' He Sat Up Frantically Rubbing His Eyes At The Sound Of His Father's Voice ' GoodMorning Father ,, I Didn't See You There ' He Looked Draco Up And Down ,, I Don't Understand Him At All ' Clearly ' How Could Someone Seem So Disgusted In Their Own Child . I Finished My Coffee As Lucius Left For Work . As Soon As Draco Was Sure He Was Gone He Pulled Me Into The Living Room And Onto The Couch . He Crawled Halfway Into My Lap Laying His Head On My Chest . I Played With His Pure White Hair As He Fell Asleep . ' I Haven't Seen Him That Comfortable In A Long Time ' I Smiled At Narcissa ' He's Lovely ,, I Don't Know How I Got So Lucky ' She Sat Next To Me ' He Used To Sleep In My Lap When He Was Young While Lucius Was At Work And Until He Whenever His Father Was Out Of Town He Would Climb In My Bed With Me In The Middle Of The Night ' His Hand Moved Wrapping Around My Waist ' Narcissa ,, Thank You For Letting Me Stay Here ' She Smiled ' It Was A Pleasure Getting To See How Purely You Love EachOther ' Draco Began To Groan And Woke Up To Bite My Face A Little Then Lick Where He Bit Me ' Draco That's Disgusting ' I Shoved Him And He Fell On The Floor Laughing Which Is When He Caught Sight Of His Mother ' Oh GoodMorning ' I Giggled ' You Are Blind Today ' Narcissa Giggled A Little ' Draco We Don't Bite Or Lick People ' He Half Pouted ' Yes Mother ' They Were Both Entirely Different People When Lucius Wasn't Around And It Was Really Sad . I Was Beginning To Realize Why Draco Always Seemed So Cold To Other People . They Both Let Loose And Smiled Brighter When He Wasn't Around But I Know Draco Does Everything He Can To Impress His Father ,, He Isn't A Bad Person He Just Wasn't Shown The Love He Deserves .
I Took A Shower While Draco Was Downstairs With His Mother . Our Trunks Were Packed Except My Bathroom Stuff And Our Outfits For The Train Ride Which Someone Else Had Set Out On The Bed . I Combed Through My Messy Hair Putting Just Enough Curl Product In It To Make It Look Managed Before Putting It In Loose Low Pigtails . The Clothes On The Bed For Me Were A Pair Of Ripped Black Skinny Jeans ,, A Long Sleeved Black Shirt And Dark Green Converse . I Put Them On And Looked In Draco's Closet For A T Shirt . I Found A Plain Light Grey One And Threw It On Top Tucking A Small Piece Of It In The Front Of My Jeans Which Seemed To Put The Entire Outfit Together . Draco Entered The Room Kissing My Forehead As I Did My Makeup ' Thank You For Being Here ' He Put His Head On My Shoulder ' Thank You For Having Me ' I Laid My Head On Top Of His And He Closed His Eyes Taking A Deep Breathe ' I Really Wish It Could Be Like This Forever But Just Us Two ' I Couldn't Help But Smile ' One Day It Will Be ' He Stood Up And Walked Towards The Bathroom ' I'll Be Downstairs ' He Nodded And Turned The Water On .
' Come Visit More Often Dear ' I Nodded ' Thank You So Much Narcissa ,, It's Been A Pleasure ' She Kissed Draco's Cheek Before Sending Us Off . The Train Was Full Of Excited Students Telling EachOther All About About Their Holiday ,, It Made Me A Little Sad Knowing Harry Potter Never Left Hogwarts And He'd Probably Been Alone Again This Holiday . I Tried Not To Think Too Much About It Instead I Napped Until We Returned Home . Hogwarts Is Always So Beautiful And Everytime I Come Back It Takes My Breathe Away All Over Again . It's A Truly Amazing Castle And I Wanted Nothing More Than To Live This With Draco Fantasy Forever . ' Excited To Go Back To Class Potter ' I Rolled My Eyes ' Shut Up Malfoy ' I Saw Harry As We Walked Through The Courtyard ' I'll Catch Up With You Later ' Draco Looked At Me Then Harry And Back At Me Rolling His Stormy Grey Eyes ' Okay ' I Ran Towards Harry Smiling ' Hey How Was Your Holiday ? ' He Looked Up In Confusion ' Fine ,, How Was Yours ? ' I Tried Not To Sound Too Excited ' I Spent It With The Malfoy Family But I Got You A Gift ' I Sifted Through My Bag Until I Could Pull Out A Picture Frame And Handed It To Him ' I Know You Can't Take Pictures With Your Parents So I Drew One And Enchanted It So It Looks Like What I'd Imagine It Would Be If You Got To Spend Christmas With Them Now ' His Eyes Began To Water ' This Is Magnificent ,, I'm Sorry I Didn't Get You Anything ' I Smiled ' I've Got Everything ' He Hugged Me Tightly Before Walking Away . Leanne Excitedly Skipped Towards Me ' It's Official ! ' I Raised An Eyebrow ' What's Official ' She Smiled Showing Me A Plane Silver Band Around Her Finger ' Rachel And I Are Official ' It Was Rachel's Ring . ' Wait What ? I Didn't Even Know That Was An Option For You Two ? How Long Has This Been Going On ? Why Didn't You Tell Me ? ' She Smiled ' Since The End Of Last Year ,, We Were Gonna Tell You But Then You Went Through A Lot And We Didn't Wanna Rub Our Happiness In Your Sad Little Face So We Decided To Wait Until We Knew It Was Even Gonna Be A Thing But It Is ' I Smiled ' That's Amazing ,, I'm So Happy For You ! ' Rachel Walked Up Behind Her ' You Were Supposed To Wait For Me ' Leanne Shook Her Head ' I Couldn't ,, I Saw Her And It Came Out ' I Laughed ' And Then You Two Came Out ' Rachel Snaked Her Arm Around Leanne's Shoulder ' I'm So Happy For You Guys ,, I Couldn't Think Of Two People More Perfect For EachOther ' Rachel Laughed ' You Always Said If I Was Ever Gonna Get Tied Down It Would Be With Someone Exactly Like Leanne ' Leanne Giggled Lightly Her Cheeks Turning Pink ' Who More Like Me Than Me ' I Walked With Them As They Excitedly Told Me All About Their Holiday Together And All The Fun Sneaking Around They've Been Doing For The Past Ten Months .

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