10 [I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry my sister]

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"Your students... are very colorful," both in hair and personality...

As soon as the first day finished, you caught up to Aizawa who was walking widely with those (daddy) long legs of his. You can't blame your short stature 'cause that will damage your pride, so who else to blame that Aizawa? He can't harm you anyway, you're older than him.

"That Midoriya kid... is going to be a big problem in the future," Aizawa grunted in frustration. While he might've been moved by that kid's sheer dedication, he was immediately reminded that he would handle that problem child in his future hero work here.

"Heh, just like how you five were?" you teased. "Ow," then got jabbed in the ribs. "hOw can you even jab me when I'm so short?"

"So you admit you're short and I'm tall?" Aizawa got you there. You pouted and didn't answer him back. Your childish demeanor was still there, that's good.

Then your phone rang and when you looked at ho it was, you turned serious. "Hello?"

"[m/n]-san? It's Naomasa here, I'll be needing you to report here tonight. We've finally had a small lead as to what the new league might be planning."

"I'll be there," you hang up then heavily sighed.

"I need to go, my boss is needing me." you did not tell everyone (except Nezu) on what you were dealing with. You know how worried Aizawa would get because of what always happened in the past. Even though they knew how your quirk works they're afraid that one day you'd just die instantly.

Which would never happen?

"M'kay." Aizawa said. "But, I hope to see you tomorrow at the teachers' office and have a nice, long, chat. I need to know what you've been doing for the past years," you nodded.

"Yeah, I can do that."


"I can't do this," you groaned and hid your face on your palms.

"Oh come one, it's just a small disguise! Plus, you look cute!" one of the police chiefs who was a female had been dowsing you with make-up for the last minute. "With your pretty face and feminine body, you won't have a problem,"

But I'm a man! You whined. "After this, then I can finally catch a break?"

"Yes, we specifically entrusted this mission for you so that you can finally achieve your year break from all of this," The truth was, even when you were on vacation, you were still working. Busting crimes on every place you go, thinking that it might be connected to the main mission.

"Alright, done!" you looked into the mirror and found yourself looking like a real female. With the blonde wig and make-up on your face. If people thought you look like a girl, you thought you are a girl.

"Oh," you awed. "I'm so pretty,"

"Right?" the policewoman puffed her chest in pride. "Few years and I still have not lost my touch,"

"Is he ready?" Naomasa went in. Then when he looked to your direction his brows risen. "Wow, okay. Is that really [m/c]?" The detective looked at you in question and you looked back in joking offense.

"Yeah, you're all set to go," Naomasa rolled his eyes when he saw that familiar derp face.

Both of you hurriedly went into the car while passing some police officers who looked at you in awe. You blushed at their stares. May your sexuality be intact.

Sigh, the things you do for limited freedom...


Ugh, this is so uncomfortable. You shielded your lower half face with a fan as you continued to walk on the halls of this bidding house. Everyone was looking at you and you did not like it one bit. While you enjoyed attention on a daily basis, you wanted it to be what you did, not what you didn't do.

And this was not what you did. This was a mission by force.

"Let's just get this over with," you scoffed and once you arrived you found a vacant seat with no people surrounding it so far. While sitting down you noticed in your front row a few individuals with dark and odd faces.

Head filled with mist. A man with ash blue hair and dry face.

"If you ever encounter these faces," Naomasa pushed a picture of two people. The view was shot secretly but the one who took the picture was shot directly. It was a miracle how the picture got here. "Stay away from them. We don't know their quirks but from what others say they're powerful."

That's them. Kurogiri and Shigaraki.

"Alright, everyone! Let's start the bidding!"


Suddenly you were crying. Why? Because of Nana Shimura and his grandchild.

During the time you were close contact with them, you could've sworn you were familiar with that crusty-faced boy. Then when you saw those bright red eyes, somehow, call it a hunch, but you were sure that was Tenko.

And then- God... When Nana Shimura died, no one took care of Tenko. You wanted to adopt the kid but you were too late. He was already gone and now both of you reunited... Just on opposite sides.

"I'm so sorry Shimura..." you sobbed. "You had to leave your family behind when I was the one that had nothing,"

"I'm so sorry..."


[pray for MC and his switching moods]


[When I really started ,,this was supposedly just gunna be a one shot, I am not really the type to commit to long chapters- but we got past five chaps so that's something :)))]

[I'll be publishing a short 1k special later!]

[Also yes, that chap title is Stigma]

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