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There was a long silence in the room, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. The dark corners of the room seemed to turn darker, and the ceiling towered over higher. Everything was quiet, save for the heavy breaths of the boy and the priest. There was not a creak, not a whistle of the wind, not even the sound of a car passing by. It's like the world had frozen for this moment, waiting to see what happened next. The priest was quiet; the boy was quiet. All the while they unconsciously relaxed, letting their guard down. Did it work? Was the demon gone? "It's gone." The priest breathed in relief, letting his tense posture melt away.

The boy was so overwhelmed that all he could do was let out a mix of a laugh and a sob. He was just about to utter the word, "Finally!" but the sudden sound of something snapping, falling, closing - whatever it was - along with a loud inhale from the priest. The boy looked over so quickly his neck could've snapped at the act. He wishes he had.

"Hello, Dream." The voice of the demon spoke through the priest. Two bright, crimson eyes glared down at the boy - Dream - with a rage like no other. But despite the unfiltered hate his eyes seemed to give off, he held an enormous smile on his face. Admittedly, it bordered on a sneer rather than a smile, but Dream's thoughts were running too fast to think of the proper word. The cross the priest was holding was now upside down and the book he held open before was shut tightly in his hand. The boy swears he could faintly hear the squeaking of the leather cover against the priest's bones.

"My, it's been ages, has it not?" The demon continued to speak, putting his arms behind his back and sauntered to the side of the bed Dream was closer to. "I had dreamt of this day many times and in many ways..." The demon made eye contact with Dream. "It's such a shame we had to meet again through such unconventional means." ... Wait.

"Brother..?" Dream uttered with horror, eye sockets blown wide. No, that's impossible. He couldn't be back. He shouldn't be back! They had all worked so hard, they had spent so many sleepless nights making sure he wouldn't come back. Was it all for nothing..? Nightmare laughed, his voice and the priest's intertwining and sending chills down Dream's spine. "Still clever as always, little brother. Clever little dreamboat... Too clever for his own good."

No. "That's why they chose you, right?" No no no. "That's why you betrayed me, is it not?" Dream's breath hitched, but he didn't dare speak. He'd only make the situation worse. But even then, his silence seemed to annoy his brother. "What's the matter, Dream? Cat got your tongue?" Nightmare laughed. Tears were burning at the corners of Dream's sockets. He wanted to stop them from falling, he really did, but the entire situation had him at a complete loss. Nightmare's grin turned thin and dangerous. He leaned down and put a hand on his brother's cheek.

"Or... Did I get your tongue?~" Nightmare drawled out, his face leaning closer to his brother's. The quiet whimpers and sniffling sounded like music to Nightmare's ears after so long. A low chuckle rumbled from the priest's non-existent throat, but Dream knows by now that the priest is long gone. Now, it's only the brother he'd try to rid the world of years ago. It seems karma is a bitch after all.

Nightmare scoffed and let his hands slowly drift down to Dream's neck. "I did, didn't I? You're absolutely speechless!" This was a bad dream. This had to be a bad dream. The priest is okay. His brother is still gone. It's a bad dream. Just a bad dream. Nightmare leaned closer, his sickening grin too close to Dream's face for him to be comfortable. "God, that face..." Nightmare whispered, using his hand to turn Dream's head from side to side. The poor boy couldn't help it when more tears began to stream down his face.

Nightmare laughed and finally let go, steeping a few inches away from the bed in which Dream was still stuck to. Slowly, he finally brought the cross back int his hand. When had he stopped holding it? Dream was probably too shaken to have ever noticed. "Why don't we..." Nightmare raised the cross up high. The world seemed to stop, everything went quiet and everything went blurry. Except for the being he was looking at. His brother in the priest's body was as clear as day, every little detail seeming to stand out. Dream's eyes widened.

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